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A male stepped into the ship, decked out in silver armour. He held up one of those gun things. Fear shot straight to my heart. They were space pirates!! Two other armoured men followed behind him, guns trained on me.

"Drop the knife, female." His voice came out tinny through his helmet.

"Over my dead body," I snarled. I escaped the lizardmen and I wouldn't be cowed by them. My mind whirred. I wouldn't be able to stab through their armour and I didn't think my scream would work through their helmets. What do I do? My arm shook.

He cleared his throat. "There is no need for hostility–"

"There is no need for hostility?" I repeated, incredulous. "You're the ones that–that invaded our ship! I won't let you take us, I won't let you hurt him!"

The man shifted, seeing Ronan slumped against the wall behind me. He dropped his gun in shock. "Commander Hawke?"

"You know him?" I almost let my guard down. This could be a trap.

"Yes, he's my commander. It looks like he needs medical attention, please let us get to him." He dropped his weapon and pulled off his helmet, red hair flowing down his shoulders. His wings flared out behind him, out from his armour.

At least now I could use my scream on him. The other two still had their helmets on. He could be lying–maybe he was a bad Rhodinian.

"I'm Rhodinian." The man's voice rang with sincerity. "We've been searching for Commander Hawke and his cousin. Let us help him."

I was still sceptical. "Carren, do these people actually know Ronan?"

"You believe the ship navigator over my word?" He was offended, clearly.

"Hey, don't be rude to Carren." I sniffed. "And yes, I do trust her. I trust you about as far as I could throw you."

He seemed baffled. "You're small, you wouldn't be able to throw me."

"Exactly." I still held up my knife towards him.

"These men are part of Commander Hawke's team. I remember when Commander Hawke first used this ship. This was his team," Carren confirmed.

I lowered my knife. "Fine, you can take him to your doctors. But where he goes, I go."

The man nodded. "Drop the knife so our medics can board."

I did as he asked, setting it down.

Two other Rhodinians boarded the ship, unarmed. They lifted Ronan onto a stretcher.

I moved to follow and in seconds, my hands were behind me, cuffed. The man had put them on me.

"What?" I struggled, betrayed.

The red-headed man regarded me, sombre. "I have to ensure the safety of my crew."

The younger of my two guards blinked at him. "But sir, what is she going to–"

The man silenced the other with a look. "She managed to kidnap Commander Hawke–we don't know what she's capable of."

"I didn't kidnap him, ugh," I cut myself off, knowing that they wouldn't believe me. Ronan would have to tell them when he woke up. Because he had to wake up.

The two other men flanked me and grabbed my upper arms, clearly saying that they didn't trust me.

We walked, Ronan ahead of us. I watched him, keeping an eye on the steady rise and fall of his chest. He was my one constant here.

Lani let out a little cry from her spot strapped to my front. I cleared my throat to cover it up, but the redhead sent me a sharp look.

"What?" I said defensively. "It's just my stomach, I'm hungry." It was a lie to cover for Lani's cry, but I was starving.

My steps faltered, but the guards kept me up. One sent me a concerned look but I forced myself to straighten my shoulders and ignore my hunger and fatigue.

"Drogan, maybe we should let her–" the concerned guard started, but the redhead cut him off.

"Not now, Talion." He sent him a sharp look. Drogan must be the redhead, Talion the concerned one. At least I wasn't the only one that thought Drogan was being a massive asshole.

Then, the people carrying Ronan turned left and we kept going straight.

"Wait!" I yelled, struggling against the men when they grabbed me to keep walking forward. The yell made them wince, but my voice still hadn't healed from my overuse. Even if I wanted to, I don't think my vocal weapon would work.

Lani wiggled. Talion stared at my front, clearly confused by the moving mass. I ignored him.

"You–you said I could stay with him!" But what could I expect, they already betrayed me once.

"You cannot. We do not know your loyalties and that is not for me to decide." Drogan stared at me, stoic.

What the fuck did that mean? Were they going to interrogate me? Torture me like the Szentists tortured Ronan?

I thought Ronan said his people were better than that. I should've made Drogan swear on his honour that I'd be able to stay with Ronan, like Ronan had sworn to me so long ago.

"Aanya of House Patel, I swear on my honour as a Rhodinian warrior that I will not harm you and will do everything in my power to protect you from harm."

And I'd do everything in my power to protect him. Who knew what they'd do to him?

"Ronan!" I tried to yell, voice hoarse. I couldn't even see him anymore, they'd taken him so far.

"Calm yourself, female." Drogan stared me down. "You will see him after the proceedings."

I fought the urge to literally growl at him. "Fuck you," I spat, instead.

He was taken aback by my language, wings flaring out behind him. I just narrowed my eyes on him.

"Take her to the council." Drogan nodded at my guards. "I'm going with Commander Hawke."

"The hell you are!" I struggled against Talion and the other guard, who seemed conflicted. I didn't trust this guy around Ronan.

But they led me away anyway, into a large circular room.

An older Rhodinian female at the centre of the room spoke, voice booming. "Welcome to the Tribunal."

The what now? 

✶ ☾ ✶


WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GONNA HAPPEN AT THE TRIBUNAL? (the most interesting prediction wins a virtual cookie 🍪 )

How's life going on a scale of 1-10? For me right now I'm like a 6.2, pretty okay but I need a nice long weekend break lol 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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