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"I was going back to my room and I heard you call out my name..." Ronan rasped. "I called out your name when I opened the door but you didn't notice and I didn't want to interrupt."

"I was, um, thinking about you," I whispered in the quiet of the night.

A wicked smile curled his lips. "Were you?" he said, rhetorically, clearly. "Can I join you?"

I nodded, biting my lip. Fuck, I was so turned on right now. And in the dim light I could just make out the rough outline of Ronan's hard cock in his pants as he stepped in the room, making my pussy clench.

The door slid shut behind him.

He undid his pants, torturously slow, slipping off his socks and shoes too. His shirt hit the floor along with his pants, then he came to sit next to me on the bed clad in only his boxers, hard cock straining against the thin material.

I gulped.

"Why did you stop?" he asked, eyes hot on me.

Why did I stop?

I sucked in a sharp breath and started again, squeezing my breasts, and flicking my nipples, but this time it was so much hotter knowing Ronan was right there, watching.

Ronan groaned, a low and fucking hot sound. "What were you thinking about?" Ronan asked, voice rough.

"You," I said immediately, reflexively. "I imagined it was you here, like at the waterfall. That it was your rough fingers teasing me, that it was you sliding your thick fingers into my pussy." My cheeks heated at my language, but it was true.

Ronan's eyes went molten.

I lazily rubbed my clit and gasped at how fucking good it felt. Jesus.

I went on. "I imagined that I was wet for you, dripping for you. That your cock was right here, filling me."

At that, I slid a finger back into my slit, letting out a little gasp.

Ronan shoved down his boxers, pulling out his hard cock. His dick strained against his rock hard abs and he slowly ran his thumb over the head to collect the precum pooling there before steadily pumping it while he watched me masturbate.

I bit down on my lip, and the words slipped out of me. "I kept thinking about the first time you fucked me; it makes me so insanely horny."

He bit out a curse and stroked himself in time with my thrusts as I pumped a second finger in and out of my wet slit.

"I'm not going to last," Ronan bit out.

With three fingers in my pussy, I used my other hand to circle my clit, teasing and building. "Neither am I," I replied, panting.

I watched Ronan pump his cock, hand moving steadily up and down his shaft. His hand stuttered when he noticed me watching him and I dragged my half-lidded, pleasure filled gaze up to his eyes, seeing the heat in his eyes.

"Just feeling your eyes on me makes me so hard," Ronan groaned.

Pride swelled in my chest at that. I didn't think I'd last much longer. I was practically coming apart at the seams, desperate to come.

"Come for me, Aanya," Ronan said, voice low and gravelly. His teeth dug into his bottom lip as he watched me.

My fingers strummed my clit and I came, hard and fast at his words.

Ronan let out a low gasp as he came, bucking into his own hand. His cum pulsed over his fingers and spurted up towards his chest.

Fuck, that was hot. My brain couldn't come up with an intelligent sentence, blissed out from coming so hard.

Ronan apparently could though, because he padded over to the fresher, cleaned himself up and came back with a damp washcloth for me. I was boneless, so Ronan gently cleaned me up. I didn't even have a brain cell to be embarrassed about how utterly soaked I was.

Just as Ronan was about to slip out of the bed, I stopped him.

"Wait! You're leaving?" I said, voice small.

Ronan stopped, tense.

Before he could say anything and, more importantly, before I could lose my courage, I asked, "Can you stay? With me, here, tonight?"

I held my breath, waiting for his answer.

His shoulders lowered, loose. "I was going to. I was just going to put this cloth in the fresher."

"Oh, good. Good." I smiled, slumping back against the sheets and eyes half-shutting, tired.

Ronan came back to the bed and immediately wrapped his warm arms around me, cocooning me. I snuggled into him like my life depended on it. God he made me feel so small in his arms.

"Good night, Aanya," Ronan said softly.

"Sweet dreams, Ronan," I mumbled back before sleep pulled me under.

Being with Ronan was like a drug, and I think I may be addicted.

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