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"Hey Carren, how much longer till we get there?" I leaned back in the pilot chair, staring out into the space zooming past us.

"It's only been five minutes since you last asked, Aanya," Carren said with a smile in her tone. I'd learned that no, Carren didn't smile or have a throat to clear, but she mimicked the beings she spoke to and had picked up the mannerisms.

I pulled my lips up into a wan smile. "I know, I just like hearing your dulcet tones."

We had 19 hours 47 minutes and 15 seconds until Carren left until we would reach Rhodin. I had been counting down the minutes Carren every hour at least for the past three weeks.

Ronan had gone into some sort of stasis. According to Carren, Rhodinians bodies would automatically put itself in some sort of state, like hibernation, to allow deeper healing for grievous wounds.

Lani wanted to be near Ronan at all times and it didn't bug me. She would sit there and watch him with her little hand on his arm, or asleep curled next to his still body.

At the beginning, I'd been fine on just water. By day ten, I turned the ship inside out looking for any morsel of food. I found an old, expired, mushy bag of emergency rations that tasted like heaven to my starved body. I probably would have been fine to last longer without, but it wasn't like the lizardmen had been feeding me well for the last year either.

Now, it took all my energy to get Lani's formula and feed her. Making the trek to the cabin to shower was even too much.

If I stood up too quickly, I got dizzy. My brain moved slower and when I stood too long, I felt faint. My whole body felt weak. The hunger pains had ramped up too, something water couldn't help.

But the pain was nothing compared to the loneliness.

After being alone for a year before meeting Ronan, I thought I could withstand loneliness. But I found myself missing Ronan even more these past couple weeks. Lani was entertaining and Carren was Carren, but neither of them filled the gap in my life that Ronan left.

The long days made me miss home too. I wondered what was going on back home. Did anyone miss me? Did everyone think I was dead?

I hated having no idea what–

"Alert." Carren's voice rang out through the ship. "Incoming vessel."

"What?" I gripped the control panel.

"Their weapons are locked on us." How was Carren so calm right now? "Would you like me to initiate evasive manoeuvres?" she asked placidly.

"Yes!" I yelled. "Yes, evade the heck out of them!"

I ran over to Lani to make sure she was strapped into the co-pilot seat.

The ship lurched to the side and I fell to the ground in front of Lani. I held onto the base of her chair to keep from flying all over the place.

I wasn't worried about Ronan– ever since we had to navigate through an asteroid field, I figured out a way to secure him against the wall.

I stumbled my way to the pilot seat, strapping myself in for the rest of Carren's manoeuvres.

"Evasive manoeuvres unsuccessful. They are still locked onto us," Carren told me.

I gulped. "Well, do we have any weapons to stop them?"

"Negative, this is a pleasure cruiser."

I rolled my eyes. I really was sick of that phrase. "That's so helpful right now, Carren."

My breathing picked up. "Do we know who they are?"

"No, their ship is unidentifiable."

"Unidentifiable?" My heart pounded against my ribs, mouth dry. "Are they space pirates? Oh my god, they're space pirates and I have nothing to protect us with. Who knows if my voice would work on them too? They're gonna come and take Lani and–"

"Breathe, Aanya," Carren's calm voice interrupted me.

This wasn't the first time Carren had coached me through my panic in these three weeks. I followed her instructions and slowed my breathing.

"We've been pulled into their hangar. They are preparing to board."

"Oh god, I have to hide Lani." I rushed over to Lani, unstrapping her. I tied her to my front with a blanket and made sure she was completely covered. If whoever grabbed us didn't know about humans, I'd just look deformed and lumpy.

Before I covered her head, I looked down at her. "Lani, I need you to be quiet. Not a sound. Can you do that for me?"

Lani's blue eyes looked up at me and I swore she somehow understood what I was saying. She closed her eyes and leaned against my chest, promptly falling asleep. Good enough for me. I covered her head gently with the blanket.

I was already out of breath from picking up Lani, but I managed to stumble in front of Ronan's prone body. God, I was dizzy.

I grabbed the knife I'd used to close his wound and held it out in front of me. My hand shook. If they wanted to get to Ronan, they'd have to get through me first.

I held my breath as the ship doors opened. 

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WHO DO YOU THINK IS AT THE DOOR? (the craziest prediction wins a virtual cookie 🍪 )

What other sci-fi romance books have you read and loved lately? I'm in a reading slump and I need recommendations please!! 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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