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Stars, it was good to be back with my team. I missed them. If I was being honest with myself, they were my real family.

Of course, Kallum and Kier were my family and knew me as a youngling but my team knew me as a man. They knew me as a leader and a teammate. I'd been through thick and thin with them.

We walked through the halls on the way to the security meeting.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my pants, thinking of Lani and Aanya. I hated to be parted from them. Hopefully, with this security meeting, my team would be assigned mostly to their protection.

As we walked, the ambient sounds of the spaceship's operations became a background hum to my ever-present concern for Aanya and Lani's well-being.

"So, Commander, how did you end up escaping from the Szentists?" Fox asked, friendly as always, disrupting my thoughts.

Since he asked, I explained how we'd escaped. The vent, my distraction, the help from Gila, may he rest among the stars, and how I was incapacitated by irod. How Aanya saved me and Lani.

"Irod?" Lorcan frowned, puzzled. "How are you alive?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. Krono doesn't know either. According to what we know, I should be dead. But I survived somehow. I plan on going to him for further testing. Maybe the irod was a bad batch or something. Good luck for me, right?" The edge of my lips quirked up at the thought of my having good luck. Yeah, right.

Corvus shook his head, dark hair falling in his eyes. "Nobody has luck that good, Commander."

"I'll have to research irod more if the Szentists have taken to actively using it." Lorcan pulled out his datapad, able to walk and research at the same time, one of his many talents. It seemed like Lorcan found a new puzzle to figure out.

Drogan crossed his arms. "The human saved you? How? She has no defence– no claws, no wings."

No visible weapons. I thought of her vocal weapon but didn't want to reveal her secrets. I shrugged again. "She's stronger than she looks."

Drogan still stared at me, disbelieving. I didn't blame him. The first time I saw Aanya I thought she was helpless too. And still, if I could, I would wrap up Aanya and keep her safe. I'd be by her side all the time.

Knox grunted, crossing his hulking arms. "I'd like to see her in a spar."

"She will not be doing sparring of any kind." I frowned at him. "Least of all with you, Knox." Knox was our resident weapons expert. Anything that went boom was Knox's specialty.

Knox held up his hands innocently. "I'm just saying, it'd be interesting to see what she knows."

I shook my head at him as we made our way into the meeting room.

We were greeted by the head security officer, Grev Kalzel, then sat at the circular meeting table. Our team was the last to join.

I'd worked with Officer Kalzel before on another mission. He was a reliable male.

He went back to the front of the room. The sound of his footsteps carried a purposeful cadence, echoing the diligence with which he carried out his duties. His eyes, sharp and perceptive, always scanned his surroundings with a constant vigilance.

I gripped my hands together under the table. Why was I so worried about Aanya? Why did I feel a knot in my chest? Why did I feel like I had to get to her?

I shook off the feeling and focussed back on the meeting.

Officer Kalzel spoke at the front of the room. He was a formidable figure, distinguished by his imposing presence and sleek, black armour that bore the ship's security insignia. His armour was equipped with advanced security tech, emphasising his role.

His voice, a commanding baritone, resonated with authority during the security briefing. He distributed schedules for different roles on the ship and went through security concerns.

I frowned. My team wasn't always going to be on Aanya and Lani's security detail. I didn't like that but, according to the chain of command, that was Officer Kalzel's decision. I grit my teeth and Drogan sent me a knowing look. Drogan was a good second in command– he always seemed to anticipate what I'd be thinking.

I tried to focus and reply when asked questions, but my thoughts kept drifting back to Aanya and Lani. Were they safe? Was Lani sleeping alright? What did Aanya think of the unfamiliar foods?

Amidst the tactical discussions and strategic plans, I couldn't help the distant concern in my voice. My usually steady cadence faltered when I spoke about Aanya and Lani, revealing a vulnerability that I guarded closely. But I had to speak about them– they were a major part of this mission and the security team had to know they were vulnerable to being targeted.

Officer Kalzel went on to talk about our planned stops to refuel and the security plans for landing on those planets. Someone argued about the need for so many stops and an entire argument about logistics ensued. My knee bounced under the table.

Something in my gut said something was wrong. Something in my gut said I had to get to Aanya.

Without a word, I pushed back from the desk and practically ran out of the room. 

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Whaddya think is going on with Aanya? 👀 Is anything going on or is Ronan being Mr. Overprotective? 

Do you have any trips coming up? I might be going to Europe this summer which is gonna be fun if I end up going!!

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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