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Oh stars, Lani. I sucked in a sharp breath. How could I forget?

But bringing Lani with us– how could I protect them both? I already failed them when we were with the Szentists, what was to say that I wouldn't fail them again? I fought the urge to drag a hand down my face.

Aanya frowned. "We can't leave Lani behind. We can't. If she can't come, I can't go."

My chest tightened. Of course, if Lani couldn't come with us I couldn't go either. But if we didn't go, then how would the Szentists ever face justice for what they did, not only to us, but to Kier as well? We had to go to prove everything. My fists clenched at my sides. But how could I protect them and keep them safe on the mission?

Inside, I was pacing and pulling my hair out trying to figure this out, but on the outside I was the perfect soldier with my hands at my sides, as was trained into me.

Before I could even think more, High General Ilzax spoke.

"Having a newborn on the mission isn't... ideal," High General Ilzax said slowly with a considering look on his face.

"Not ideal? That's an understatement," Drogan said, but seemed to immediately regret the words when High General Ilzax sent him a harsh look.

I blinked at Drogan, taken aback. Drogan could sometimes speak without thinking at times, but to disrespect the High General?

"I mean, the youngling is the first female Rhodinian born in years." Drogan quickly clarified. "For almost my entire lifetime, the few births have been male. We can't risk bringing her off-planet, off Rhodin where it's safe."

Safe. How safe would Lani be on Rhodin? On a ship? How could I keep them safe anywhere? My chest tightened even further and I couldn't get words out.

Aanya looked at me, brown eyes soft and concerned. But I ignored her gaze, attention on High General Ilzax. At the end of the day, he was the true decision maker in the room.

"You are right, the trip is dangerous." High General Ilzax steepled his fingers, thinking.

"It'll be dangerous for all of us." Aanya motioned at herself, me, and Drogan. "I don't want to leave Lani behind for who knows how long on a new planet with people she isn't familiar with." Her emotion was clear in her voice.

"Her biological grandparents are on planet, are they not?" Drogan raised a brow.

"But they don't know Lani yet," Aanya countered.

"And if you take her with you, they won't get the chance to know her," Drogan replied with his viewpoint, but clearly this argument was getting nowhere.

I forced myself to breathe and my chest loosened slightly. My words left me in one big heap. "I agree with Aanya. We can't leave Lani behind. We might not be her parents, but we both care for her and we're all she's known. Yes, there will be dangers with bringing her off-planet, but Rhodin is not guaranteed safety." And I knew that better than anyone but I didn't have to tell Drogan that.

Drogan sent an apologetic look my way but I still focussed on High General Ilzax. Convincing him was key.

"You're correct, I believe separating you all would be a mistake. I'll adjust the personnel assigned to the ship to include appropriate minders for the youngling." High General Ilzax said as he made notes on his datapad, probably making the changes right then and there. I still could barely believe I was in the office of one of the most powerful people on Rhodin– the male who organised the might of the Rhodinian military.

Okay, that was approved. Lani would be coming with us, which is what I wanted, right? But the words kept banging around my head– how would I keep them safe?

Aanya wrapped her arms around herself, worrying her bottom lip. "Would Vrux be able to come with us as well? That's who's watching Lani now. I'd feel better with him there too."

"Vrux?" The High General looked up in confusion.

I cleared my throat. "He raised my cousins, Kallum and Kier. I believe he also had military training in his youth before switching careers." I told High General Ilzax Vrux's full name and he was able to pull up his military history.

"I don't see a problem with approving his inclusion." High General Ilzax nodded decisively before checking the time on his comms. "I have a meeting, but if any other concerns arise, comm my assistant and I'll see to it before your ship leaves."

With that he left, followed by the two soldiers at the door.

Drogan nodded to both me and Aanya. "I'll ready the team. And, it's good to have you back, sir."

"It's good to be back, Drogan." I gave him a slight smile, but the tightness in my chest kept its grip on me.

Drogan left and we followed behind him out of the building.

Aanya and I returned home, well, back to Aunt Mae and Uncle Korath's. They'd taken me in but I'd never really seen their house as my home. My home was with my team. And now my home was wherever Aanya and Lani were.

We were greeted by Aunt Mae, Uncle Korath, Vrux, and Kallum. Vrux had already put Lani to sleep.

We explained the situation to them– the Intergalactic Alliance needing proof, that we'd have to go and testify at the tribunal, and how Lani would be coming with us.

I couldn't tell much from Aunt Mae and Uncle Korath's facial expressions, but they never were very expressive. The most emotion I'd seen from them had been in these past couple of days.

Kallum seemed upset on our behalf that the Intergalactic Alliance wouldn't believe us and Vrux looked hesitantly excited at the idea of coming with us.

When we finished, Aunt Mae crossed her arms, frowning. "No, you're not leaving." 

✶ ☾ ✶


Aaand we're back to Ronan's POV!! Whaddya think of what's happening? 

IMPORTANT NOTE: I've been seeing some people on Wattpad who write spicy romance recently have their accounts deleted or banned here on Wattpad. Please, please, follow me on my social media and/or sign up for my newsletter in case that happens to me so I can let you know where to read my stories. Thanks!!

Also I'm currently in my fanfic era - any good fanfic suggestions on WP or AO3 or elsewhere?

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


P.S. look at this gorgeoussss artwork of Ronan and Aanya!! The NSFW version of this is on my Patreon 😏

 look at this gorgeoussss artwork of Ronan and Aanya!! The NSFW version of this is on my Patreon 😏

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