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"You're so fit."

Did I really just say that out loud?

I mean, who could blame me? Ronan surrounded me while I sat on my cot, all corded muscle, broad shoulders, and smooth skin. All he wore were those low-slung soft back pants. My eyes followed down his abs, to that delicious v, to–​​

"I am an elite Rhodinian warrior." Ronan smirked. "Plus genetics, training."

I was about to respond when I became very aware of the juncture of my thighs and the slickness gathering there. God, I'd never been this painfully turned on before.

My gaze latched back onto his face. At some point, he'd tied back his tousled, dark hair into a bun. It highlighted his sharp jawline and full, pink lips. Oh, I wanted him to kiss me so badly. Why wouldn't he just kiss me already?

"You're so kissable. Why won't you kiss me?"

Ronan's brow furrowed in confusion. "Kizz-se-bel? Kizz?" he sounded out.

Did I say that out loud too? Oopsie. My thoughts were muddled and incoherent.

Before I could reply, another hot flash hit me. I cried out and leaned forward, clinging to Ronan's biceps to stay upright. Ronan was saying something, words soft, but I couldn't hear him over the roaring in my ears. My skin was so warm that it felt like I was on fire, being torn up from the inside out.

I whimpered and leaned into Ronan, burying my face into his soft skin. It helped soothe the burning. He moved closer, holding me tight.

All the heat in my core suddenly became cold and all I wanted to do was curl into a ball. I pulled back, stomach hurting. I pulled my knees into my chest, aching.

Ronan's gaze sharpened. "Your pupils are dilated, your heart rate is up. Is this RD-5290 some sort of breeding drug?" He stood, straightening.

I stood up too to follow him, albeit on unsteady legs. "I don't know, I don't know– it must be," I all but panted out. "They want us to have sex so that must be what the drug does." That's the most my brain could reason out right now.

I reached out and pulled him close.

Ronan's pupils dilated, voice ragged. His head dipped down, lips brushing my ear. "Are you sure you want this, Aanya?"

I shivered. "Please," I begged. "Touch me."

And that was all he needed because he pulled me close, one big hand gripping my hip and the other tangling in my hair. I could've blamed this all on the RD-5290 but I couldn't deny that I wanted this. I wanted him.

Ronan met my gaze, eyes flashing with heat. Then, he shifted his gaze to my neck, lowering to brush a soft kiss right over my pulse. I all but melted in his strong arms and his grip on my hip tightened, hot and possessive. I twined my arms around his neck.

I fought my frustration that he wouldn't just kiss me on the lips and focussed on the hot press of his lips against my skin. I moaned. The pain dulled and sharpened into a stark need. I couldn't concentrate on anything but the feel of him.

His touch made me forget how to breathe.

My breasts ached, nipples hardening. I wanted more. I wanted to feel more of him, to feel him inside me. My desire was so intense that I couldn't help but let out a moan. Part of me couldn't believe we were doing this here, in full view of the lizardmen, but a bigger part of me wanted Ronan.

His hand untangled from my hair and went to my hip. With both hands on my hips, he lifted me, my dress hiking up as my legs instinctively wrapped around him. He moved forward and my back hit the cold metal wall.

He held onto me, rubbing against me. Nothing was better than the delicious feel of his hard cock against my swollen clit. I threw my head back in pure pleasure, another moan escaping me.

My legs tightened around him, pleasure running up my spine as Ronan kept thrusting his hips, rocking against me so perfectly. All that kept us apart was the thin material of my underwear and the cloth of his black pants.

Ronan's big, calloused hands moved to cup my ass, igniting my every last nerve ending. His smooth rhythm didn't slow. If anything, his new grip on me was even better.

I pressed kisses along his jaw, desperate for a taste of him. He groaned my name and I don't think I'd ever heard a better sound before. It made me want to rip off both our clothes, to get even closer. I couldn't help but imagine more. The image in my mind of Ronan naked and in me, fucking me, set off my climax.

I went spiralling into my release, orgasm hitting me hard. I cried out, my whole body shaking. I hit that crescendo, the whirlwind making me forget everything. Ronan held me, riding out my high.

Overcome, I went limp and Ronan slowed and held me up, murmuring in my ear, voice rough. "I've got you."

My awareness returned gradually. The chill of the metal against my back. The thin fabric of my dress bunched around my legs. The heat from Ronan's body against mine.

My legs slid down and I stood again, still caged in by Ronan's arms. His fabric-covered cock was still pressed against my underwear-covered oversensitive clit. Before I could get embarrassed about the fact that I just came in my underwear, the pain from the drug returned.

The high was only a temporary reprieve from the pain that came back with a vengeance. It was sharp and stabbing, like a hot poker to the stomach. I buried my face in his chest.

Without even looking down, I pulled out his still hard cock and pumped it. Ronan shuddered against me and bit out a groan.

"More. I need more, Ronan, please," I moaned into his chest, the pain in my stomach twisting and burning.

With a growl, Ronan lifted me and I was flat on my back on the cot in two seconds flat. His pupils were so dilated only a small ring of blue remained.

He moved up my body, pressing a trail of kisses from my ankle, up my thigh all the way to...

I saw where he was going and fought against the drug. Guys didn't like doing that, right?

"You– you don't have to do that," I panted out, despite my every cell that was screaming, yes, yes you do want his mouth on you, Aanya.

"We need to ban that phrase from your vocabulary." Ronan's gaze darkened. "Have to? I want to. Aanya, I've been dying to taste you."

I sucked in a sharp breath, anticipation coiling tight in my core. 

✶ ☾ ✶


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