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I struggled against the lizardmen, thrashing and wiggling to get out of their grip.

"Ronan!" I yell after him as the other two lizardmen drag away his limp body.

Ronan slightly turned his head to me before he slumped forward. Whatever they injected him with was working. I fought back, but they still managed to loop restraints around me, tying me to my cot.

"Comply Specimen 124," one of the lizardman hissed.

I hissed right back at him and the lizardman jerked back, surprised. But I let the fight melt out of me– it wasn't like I could do anything to stop them. I took slow, deep breaths.

The lizardman pricked my arm with some handheld machine thing. He handed it to a third lizardman who was standing by the door, one that was smaller than the rest of them.

The smaller lizardman read off the results. "Copulation unsuccessful. Progeny has not been achieved."

That meant we didn't make a progeny or whatever, right? I wasn't pregnant? Well, obviously, I couldn't be, we didn't have sex.

"Continue examination," one of the bastards hissed.

No, no, no. I wiggled, trying to free myself from the restraints that held me down. I didn't want anything else to do with this physical exam. If they looked closer, would they actually know that Ronan and I hadn't actually had sex?

Mercilessly, the lizardman tightened the strap around my breast and shoulders. I yelled out at the pain. Ouch, you lizardman motherfuckers.

Distantly, I heard a roar of pure rage. Ronan. I'd recognize his voice anywhere.

I froze. Was that in response to me? He must've heard my yell.

"Interesting," the lizardman who tightened the restraints commented to the other, who was taking down notes on some sort of tablet looking thing.

"Yes." The tablet lizardman tilted his head consideringly. "It appears that Specimen 124 and Specimen 198 are a bonded pair. Or enough that Specimen 198 dislikes Specimen 124's pain. This requires further testing." He nodded at the other lizard to proceed.

My gaze went cloudy in my confusion. Bonded pair? Pain? Further testing? What did this all mean? So Ronan was mad when he heard me yell, I was mad too when they were hurting him.

The lizardman squeezed the soft flesh on my thigh and I bit back my cry, willing myself to not feel the pain, to not let Ronan know that they were hurting me. Anything that I could do to screw up their tests, the better, right?

The lizardmen paused to listen, but Ronan couldn't have known I was hurt, I didn't cry out.

The lizardman squeezed even harder on my thigh, claws digging in , that I couldn't help but cry out at the sudden, sharp pain. Tears gathered in my eyes and I bit down on my lip. That hurt like a motherfucker and left a burning ache.

All three lizardmen winced at my cry. I was confused for a second. Right, my vocal weapon thing.

Ronan roared in anger, the sound much louder than before.

"Enough." The tablet lizardman said. "We don't have permission for permanent damage to Specimen 124." He pointedly looked at where the other lizardman's claws had dug into my thigh, leaving trails of my red blood.

The lizardman withdrew his hand, thank god. That hurt like hell and was gonna leave a gnarly bruise.

Before I knew it, they were continuing on with the examination. One held my legs apart while the other... examined. The short one by the door shifted, looking vaguely uncomfortable.

I closed my eyes and imagined I was anywhere but here. They weren't touching me, examining me in this humiliating, degrading way. I was back on Earth with my friends and my family and–

The lizardman examining me cut off my thoughts. "Progeny was not achieved because no copulation occurred."

The tablet lizardman hissed, his displeasure apparent. I winced. Clearly our plan didn't work.

"Use RD-5290. No more waiting." the tablet-holding lizardman said.

"Are you sure?" The small lizardman by the door piped up. "I thought RD-5290 was the last opt–"

"Are you questioning me?" The tablet lizardman speared him with a glare, his red eyes beady.

The small lizardman gulped. "No, sir."

"Don't question your superiors." The tablet lizardman sneered. "You know so little. We need to expedite the timeline and RD-5290 is guaranteed to work... even if it damages the subjects. A punishment for their insolence and our goal achieved, all in one."

The small one bowed his head. "Yes, sir. I'll set it up right away."

The small lizardman stayed while the other two left my cell. I was still tied down to the cot by the restraints.

The small lizardman pressed some buttons on the wall outside my cell before turning to leave.

"Wait!" I called out after him, voice pleading.

He paused to glance back at me, wringing his little claw hands.

"What's RD-5290?" My voice was shaky. What were they going to do to me? "Please!"

"I'm sorry." There was pity in his eyes.

He left, claws scraping the floor. Oh god. This couldn't be worse than anything else they'd done to me, right?

And that was when a mechanical noise sounded, opening a grate in my cell that I hadn't known was there. I thought the cell was completely smooth but there was a grate there... a pretty large grate.

The wheels in my head started turning, but before I could think on it longer, some sort of gas came out of the grate, filling my cell. I held my breath as long as I could, I had to gasp for air and it filled my lungs.

I promptly passed out. 

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GASP! What do you think RD-5290 is? What would you do if you were in Aanya's position? 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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