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Ronan shook his head, no. Wow. He really hadn't heard anyone sing before.

He rocked Lani gently, voice quiet to not wake her. "Other species have bards, but they are not pleasing to Rhodinian ears. And we have no bards; our voices cannot produce the... sounds you make."

Whatever word for singer he knew translated to bard for me, like an old-timey singer. Ronan's culture was so interesting to me– much more advanced in some ways, but in some ways not at all. They evolved differently than humans did, I guess.

I chuckled. "I'm not much of a singer. I was in a choir in high school, but now I just sing in my car and in the shower and when I'm getting ready...." I trailed off. Ronan's brow furrowed. Clearly, most of my words were getting lost in translation.

I traced Lani's cheek, and Ronan's thumb brushed the back of my hand. The feel of his calloused touch against mine sent shivers down my spine. This was the closest we'd been in the week I'd been in this new cell with Lani. I fought the urge to move closer, to touch.

I cleared my throat. "Maybe because I can sing, that's why my screams, well, you know, do what they do." Cause debilitating pain.

"Your vocal weapon?" Ronan paused rocking Lani, and I nodded. Vocal weapon was a good name for my screams. "Yes, that does make sense. You have the power to cause great pain and great joy."

"I wouldn't call it joy, just enough to make this little one doze off." Lani's nose scrunched in her sleep like she knew I was talking about her. Little cutie patootie.

"It is joy," Ronan said, voice low and serious. My eyes shot up to his, and I was caught in the magnetic pull of his blue eyes. Heartbeat quickening, I felt my pulse thrum in my throat. I flushed, ignoring the swirl of emotions I couldn't identify rushing me.

I ducked my head, breaking eye contact. "I– I should put her down to sleep before they turn the lights off."

"As much as I know you have to, I don't want to let her go." A smile ghosted his lips as he looked down at her. That was the closest to a happy expression I'd ever seen on his face.

"You can hold her and play with her as much as you want tomorrow. Maybe you can entertain her enough for me to get some more sleep," I teased, giving him a small smile of my own.

I'd been wary of having Ronan around her, but with the bars, there wasn't much he could do anyways. And maybe I was starting to trust him. A little bit.

"Of course. I will help you and the youngling in any way I can; I swear it."

My cheeks heated. Of course, Ronan had to go and say things like that.

Gently, I took Lani from him and set her down on my cot.

Humming Twinkle Twinkle Little Star under my breath, I washed up and cleaned the cell as best I could before lights out.

Click. Click. Click.

I glanced over my shoulder. Why were the lizardmen coming now? They usually only came in the mornings (or what I thought was the morning, we didn't have clocks) to give us food and supplies for Lani.

"Back against the wall, both of you. Hands up," hissed out one of the lizardmen. The other held out a cattle prod stick thing.

I sent Ronan a worried look, but his stoic expression betrayed nothing. We both followed their instructions, the metal cold against my back.

The door to my cage swung open, and I flinched. What did they want now?

The lizardman came in and picked up Lani. Before I registered what was happening, the lizardman left with Lani in his scaly arms. My cage door shut behind him.

I rushed up to the bars, gripping them hard. "What? Why are you taking Lani away?"

Lani's eyes opened, and she made a small, unhappy sound. She never cried, but this was close.

"Specimen 001 will be under observation. Initiating Experiment 056. Copulation is required between Specimen 124 and 198. Once progeny is achieved, Specimen 001 will be returned."

Their words made my head spin. What?

The entire cell rumbled as the bars between Ronan and me rose, leaving no barrier between us. Instinctively, I scrambled backwards until my back hit the far wall.

The lizardmen wanted us to have sex?

✶ ☾ ✶



Just kidding, we all knew this was coming– it was in the blurb for the book.

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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