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Ronan was still above me, looking down at me with those searing blue eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to meet them. Everything came crashing back.

I bit down on my lip, tension rising in my chest. How could I find pleasure here when we were trapped? How could I relax when they took Lani away from us?

"Look at me." Ronan's gravelly voice commanded.

Slowly, I lifted my gaze to meet his.

"We don't need to do this." His jaw tensed. "I'm asking too much here. We can find some other way."

There wasn't any other way.

I steeled myself and cleared my throat. "We need to have sex. Pretend sex, I mean." He needed to come against me, but that sounded a tad crude.

I met his cloudy and conflicted gaze.

Taking a deep breath, I rambled out to him. "I know this isn't the most romantic of scenarios, but there's nobody I'd rather be stuck with here. You're respectful, kind, good with Lani..." I trailed off, but in my head added, and smoking hot.

His hand moved to cup my jaw and kept hold of me. "After all this, I swear I will make this up to you."

His eyes shone with sincerity, assuring me that we were in this together.

I looked at him just as seriously. "I trust that you'll get us out of here."

"Together," his voice rumbled.

"Together." I nodded in agreement.

"Now, you're a tad overdressed." I looked down at his lower half, covered in dark pants.

With a smirk, he pulled them down, freeing his already hard cock.

My eyes widened. Gulp. Good thing we weren't actually having sex because I had no clue how that would even fit in me. It looked similar to the glimpses of human dicks I'd seen before, just bigger. And with a purple undertone, like the rest of him.

With my eyes on him, his cock stiffened even more as he let out a groan.

I looked up at him, pulling my eyes away from his cock. "Are you alright? Do you still hurt from the shock sticks?"

He shook his head, no. "Rhodinians heal quickly."

Slowly, tentatively, I ran my hands down his bare chest. He closed his eyes, leaning into the touch.

His thumb swirled my sensitive nipple, sending pleasure down my spine. I arched into his touch as his mouth pressed hot kisses to my breasts. Suddenly, there was no cage, no worrying, no lizardmen watching. Just Ronan and his skin under my touch.

Ronan bit back a groan as he swiped his cock along my slit so he'd be slick against me. I couldn't hide my moan as his cock brushed my already sensitive clit.

I pulled at his back, wanting him even closer. His hands abandoned my nipple to cup my ass, yanking me tighter against him. Ah. Every thrust made his cock rub against me so perfectly.

I held on tight to his shoulders and buried my face in his neck.

God, I wanted to kiss him. But he hadn't kissed me, so I didn't want to be the one to initiate it. Maybe kissing him on the lips was too personal, too intimate for him. He wanted to keep it impersonal. Fair enough.

I ached, breasts heavy. I rubbed against him, rolling my hips to chase that feeling again. His hands on my hips created a rhythm that made his cock hit my clit as he thrust against me.

"Yes, yes, yes," I repeated, reduced to a mumbling, breathless mess.

With a hard thrust against my clit, Ronan sent me over the edge and I clenched down, convulsing under him.

"Ronan!" I cried out. I saw stars as I lost control.

He pulled me closer, riding out my orgasm. His thrusts got choppier until he roared with his own end, pumping hot cum onto my stomach, out of sight of the cameras. He collapsed down onto me.

I panted, clit pulsing with the aftershocks. Ronan pulled his head up to meet my gaze.

My lips curled into a satisfied smile. "I said your name this time, didn't I?"

"You did." Ronan said before dipping his head lower to my ear. "Best fucking sound I've ever heard."

My cheeks heated at his rough voice.

Carefully, without the lizardmen seeing, we wiped up Ronan's cum and redressed.

He went to go back to his cot, but I tugged on his wrist, stopping him. Selfishly, I wanted him to stay with me, even if he wanted to keep this impersonal. He was warm and safe and familiar.

He looked at me with some indecipherable emotion swirling in his eyes, but he let me pull him to my cot.

The last thing I remember was curling into Ronan before I'd fallen asleep, or more like passed out.

I don't know if it was minutes or hours later but I was jolted awake by the rattling sound of a shock stick being dragged across out cage bars.

I tensed and Ronan's arm tightened around me. At some point, I had ended up on top of him, pulled onto his bare chest.

"Physical examination for Specimen 124," the lizardman hissed.

My panicked gaze shot to Ronan's piercing blue eyes. Specimen 124. Me. 

✶ ☾ ✶


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