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Aanya wanted to marry me. Me?

I mean, it was out of necessity, but still? After I failed her so spectacularly whilst we were trapped with the Szentists?

I was sure she'd never want to see me again, let alone trust a marriage between us. My hearts were beating so loud in my chest that I swore she could hear them.

The official news of Kier's death was a blow to us all, but somewhere in my mind, I knew and accepted that he'd died. My cousin, my first friend, the person who knew me best in the galaxy. But I pushed that all back. I was still among the living and had a duty to fulfill.

Aanya was my duty. I swore to her that I'd protect her, and I wouldn't break my vow now.

She stood beside me, drenched in the afternoon sun. Gorgeous. Her intelligent brown eyes shone as she adapted to everything. If I were her, I don't think I'd hold up as well as her.

"I'm certified by the Intergalactic Alliance to officiate marriages," Kallum offered, coming down to stand next to me.

I cleared my throat, pulling my eyes away from Aanya. My soon-to-be wife.

"Thank you." I nodded at Kallum and he inclined his head in return.

"Alright. What's your full name for the registry?" Kallum asked Aanya, pulling out his datapad to input the information.

She shifted a sleeping Lani in her arms. "Aanya Patel." She paused. "Well, erm, no actually, Aanya Rose Patel. How could I forget my middle name?" She let out a self-deprecating laugh, nerves fraying her voice.

I stepped closer to her, but I didn't know how to reassure her. Stars, I needed reassurance. How could I protect her and Lani? How could I make her happy? How? I wasn't enough for her.

Anxiety coiled tight in my chest. My injured shoulder twinged in pain.

Kallum nodded as he typed into his datapad. "Aanya Rose Patel and Ronan Hawke."

This was real. I was to be married.

I'd never in my wildest dreams imagined I'd be married. Me, a battle-hardened warrior with a soft female? Me, with all my scars with someone as perfect as her? Me, Ronan Hawke, the unwanted orphan with Aanya?

Kallum held out his datapad. "If you both would sign your names on your respective lines, you'll be married."

Everyone watched us, from my aunt and uncle, to the entire council.

But all I had eyes for was Aanya.

Aanya blinked at Kallum. "That's– that's it? I sign here and we're married?"

"Yes... is that not customary on your planet?" Kallum asked, polite as ever.

"No, well, yes, kind of." Aanya and dragged a hand through her dark hair. "We sign stuff, but there's also a ceremony and– it's nothing. Nevermind. I'm not on Earth, right?"

"No, you're not," Kallum answered seriously.

"What are your Earth customs?" I asked, curious.

"I'll tell you some other time. It's fine, I don't want to hold up the council here any longer." Aanya gave a tight smile.

I'd remember to inquire later.

I took the datapad but hesitated signing. Anguished, I looked up at Aanya, my cool purple eyes meeting her warm brown ones. "Are you sure, Aanya? You can marry anyone–you don't need to marry me. You have no obligation to me, you can marry any of these males. Even Kallum would be a better safer, choice for you." I spoke low, just to her.

Her eyes met mine, fierce. "I choose you, Ronan Hawke. I didn't get a choice on who the lizardmen threw me in with before, but now, I choose you." Her voice cracked.

I choose you too, Aanya Patel. But the words stuck in my throat. I couldn't say them. I couldn't get them out of my thick throat.

"Thank you," was all I could just whisper before signing my name.

Aanya took the datapad from me. "I want you, Ronan," she said as she signed.

Kallum took back the datapad.

This was real. Stars, this was real. A million questions swirled in my head that I had no answers to.

Kallum's voice boomed around the room. "Your marriage is now official in the Intergalactic Database. Aanya, you're now a citizen of the Intergalactic Alliance and all the protections that affords you," Kallum said officially. He always was the best of us at dealing with Council matters. The diplomat that got Kier and I out of sticky situations. He continued. "In accordance with Rhodinian law, you must remain married for a minimum period of one revolution."

"One revolution?" Aanya questioned.

"One year," I said the unfamiliar word, remembering her past confusion about spans and revolutions. A revolution was a year in her words.

"Right. Right," Aanya repeated to herself.

"Welcome to our House, Aanya," Aunt Mae said as she stepped forward. "We invite you both to our family home. I'm sure you'd like some rest as well."

"God, yes." Aanya nodded. "If that's alright with you too?" She looked at me.

"Of course. Kallum are you coming as well?" I turned to my cousin.

"Soon, after the Council is adjourned for the day. See you soon, Mother, Father, Ronan. My pleasure meeting you, Aanya. I welcome you to House Hawke as well." He gave her a small bow. Kallum, ever so formal.

"Nice to meet you too. Thanks for the marrying stuff." Aanya gave him a stiff smile.

"You're most welcome." Kallum gave a charming, graceful politician smile that I could never replicate.

We all turned to leave.

"Wait–" Krono started, but I cut him off.

"Yes, we'll come to medbay for follow-up appointments. But we just need some sleep right now," I told him, the events of the day catching up with me. The circles around Aanya's eyes told me the same.

Krono bowed his head. "Of course."

"Erm, thank you everyone, I guess." Aanya said, looking at Head Councillor, Ami.

We looked at each other, taking in the moment. We were married now, husband and wife, facing this uncertain future together after all we'd been through.

I would do whatever it took to protect Aanya and Lani.

She reached out and grabbed my hand, hers warm and soft.

I held on tight. 

✶ ☾ ✶



I love the marriage of convenience trope... what's your favourite trope? 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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