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My heart rate shot right back up as my muscles tensed. I breathed in Ronan's smoky, masculine scent as I looked up at him through my lashes. My nipples hardened from his gaze alone.

"Do you want this?" His words were deep and gruff, but he touched me with such reverence, fingers ghosting my skin. My skin erupted with goosebumps as warm heat shot through me, right to my core.

I nodded, not trusting my words. I wanted Ronan. Even though we were in this shitty situation, oh god, I wanted him more than I should.

He was doing this out of a sense of duty and here I was, writhing underneath him when he'd barely even touched me. Shame burned through me, but I wanted him so bad that I couldn't bring myself to care.

He leaned closer, lips brushing the shell of my ear. Shivers went down my spine. "I need to hear you say it." His voice was thick and rough.

"Yes, please." My voice cracked, the two words high and breathy. Jesus, his voice alone made me wet.

He pulled the underwear down my legs, igniting my every last nerve ending. I squirmed under his hot gaze, breath coming faster. He moved back up, forearms bracketing me.

I couldn't take the anticipation any more, so I raised my head and pressed a chaste kiss to that delicate skin at the base of his neck, tasting his smoky, salty skin. I wasn't bold enough to outright kiss him on the lips.

From the sinful groan that came from his lips, you'd think I did a lot more than kiss his neck.

Before I knew it, he was mirroring my movements, kissing down my neck with warm, wet kisses that were far from my chaste one. I gasped, whimpering at the connection his lips brought. Was this real? Or some sort of dream I'd conjured to get away from the lizardmen?

One of his calloused hands moved to hold my hip possessively, the other twining itself through the hair at the nape of my neck as he moved his kisses lower.

I curled my hands around the back of his neck, luxuriating in the feel of his skin against mine.

The hand gripping my hip moved to the juncture of my thighs, his calloused fingers brushing over my slippery softness as he stroked me.

Oh god, I was literally dripping for him, but I was too turned on to be embarrassed.

He easily followed the dampness between my legs, circling my slit, but that wasn't where I wanted him. I shifted, biting down on my lip.

His eyes flashed up to me, burning. "Show me where brings you pleasure."

Looking up at him through half-lidded eyes, I took his hand and guided him through the nest of curls at the juncture of my thighs to my clit.

"Here," I gasped, as he circled my clit, pleasure zipping up my spine. There was my G-spot too, but I didn't even know where that was.

I whimpered as his fingers teased my clit.

"Yeah? You like that?" Ronan's voice was rough in my ear. He pressed hot kisses along my neck and collarbone.

"Please, more," I moaned. I needed more. In me. Harder. I arched into his touch, greedy.

"I've got you," he murmured against my skin, easily dipping a finger into my slit. I gasped, his single finger filling me up so much. Ronan didn't slow, his thumb still teasing my clit.

Maybe I wasn't bold enough to outright kiss him, but I was bold enough to let him finger me.

"So gorgeous," Ronan groaned, eyes on me. "So tight and wet." A second finger joined his first, stretching me and filling me. I held onto Ronan, the sensations overwhelming.

Finally, he stopped his teasing and rubbed my clit, thumb relentless.

"Oh god!" I pulled on the back of his hair, pleasure overtaking my senses, bringing me to the brink.

Ronan chuckled. "I don't know who God is, but I'd prefer my name on your lips."

His words barely registered as he pressed just right on my clit, throwing me into an orgasm harder than I'd ever had before from my own hand. I pulled a hand out of his hair to bite down on my thumb, not wanting to scream here.

Ronan's fingers kept stroking me as I came, riding me down from my high.

Panting, I watched Ronan as he pulled his soaked fingers from me and brought them to his mouth, tasting me as he sucked his fingers. I could get off again from that sight alone.

As my senses returned, I felt something long and rigid pressing against me. Ah, right. Handjob time. I mean, it was the least I could do after that orgasm.

I frowned. From the angle we had to be for the camera, there was no way I could give him a handjob. He'd just have to, well, erm, rub against me.

I chewed my bottom lip. "Can you... can you come like this?"

Ronan's eyes flashed with barely reigned arousal. "Believe me, I'm on the brink from watching you."

He was ready to come just from giving me pleasure? Now that was hot as fuck.

✶ ☾ ✶


The spice is here!!🔥 (and will continue for the next couple chapters 👀)

Whaddya think? Drop some 🔥🔥🔥 in the comments if you're liking it so far!!

Also, 2 Aanya POVs in a row! I wanted to stick to alternating but the writing just flowed better this way. Don't worry, Ronan's POV will be back soon. 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


P.S. I really appreciate your comments, even if it's just an emoji!! They really motivate me to keep writing, so thank you ❤️

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