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I couldn't help but squirm against Ronan as he held me in the water, my legs wrapped around him with his hardening cock pressed against my core.

The waterfall raged around us, but Ronan's strong arms kept my afloat. His powerful body was wrapped around me, cocooning me and keeping me safe in this oasis he'd brought me to.

I wanted this on our terms, not the lizardmen. It might just be temporary between us, but I cared about Ronan. And I think he cared about me too. I had to stop worrying about the what-ifs in the future and enjoy the now. I didn't even know if I'd survive the lizardmen, but I did, we did, and I wanted to celebrate in the best way I knew how.

I pressed kisses down his neck, hips grinding against him.

"If you keep doing that, I'm going to lose control," Ronan all but growled, eyes filled with heat and desire. His hands slid down to my ass, his big hands hot and possessive.

"What if I want you to lose control?" I smiled a wicked grin, our lips a hairsbreadth apart. "I want you, Ronan," I breathed, voice barely audible over the roar of the waterfall.

"Are you sure?" Ronan asked in a gravelly tone, his grip on my ass tightening.

I couldn't help but grind against him and a whimper escaped my throat as his hard cock brushed my clit. "I'm so, so sure," I all but panted, putty in his hands. "If you want me?"

Ronan's eyes shot to mine. "How could that ever be a question?"

In moments, Ronan had me out of the water and pressed against a sunwarmed rock. I sucked in a sharp breath as the breeze from the air cooled the building heat under my skin.

Water dripped from his frame, rolling down his abs in a way that made me want to lick them. He pressed against me, holding up my shaky legs.

Deliberately slow, he pulled down the strap of my bra.

Desperate for him to hurry the fuck up, I reached one hand behind my back to undo my clasp. But still, he took his time, peeling the wet cups off my breasts, revealing my hard nipples. The anticipation was killing me.

My bra fell to the forest floor.

"I didn't get to take my time before, but I want to now," he said in that low, husky voice that made me even wetter, if that was even possible. He dipped his head down to drag tongue trails over a hard nipple, teasing and making my core tighten.

My heart pounded against my ribcage as Ronan's thumb came up to circle my other oversensitive nipple, lips pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses in a trail up my breast and neck.

I raked my hands through his dark, silky, wet hair, holding him close.

He finally dragged his gaze up to mine, his eyes absolutely molten. Ronan was taking his time, savouring, but he looked at me like I was a feast he wanted to devour.

I bit my lip, the ache at the apex of my thighs unbearable. "God, just feeling your eyes on me makes me so wet."

Ronan's lips curled into a smile. "I think you can feel how hard you make me." He ground his hips against my heat and I bit back the whine that wanted to escape my throat. The thin fabric of my underwear and his boxers kept us apart. This was the best kind of torture. He peeled away my underwear, sliding the wet fabric down my legs. And my underwear wasn't just soaked from the water.

Ronan's hands spanned my hips. "And did you forget? It's Ronan, not God." With that, he slid one thick finger into my pussy, just like I ached for.

"Ronan," I moaned his name, pressing face into his chest. I breathed in his unique scent, the scent that was just so Ronan.

"So wet for me," he said, eyes possessive and greedy. I was so wet, I was practically dripping down my legs. I was so turned on, Ronan probably felt my pulse through my pussy.

His other hand found mine, threading his fingers in mine, thumb gently rubbing the back of my hand, at such odds with the way his finger pumped in and out of me. Gentle met rough in the best way.

A second finger joined his first, and I sucked in a breath at the new angle he hit. "Jesus-fucking-Christ you're going to make me cum."

"That's the goal." Ronan smirked.

My thoughts blurred into a needy mess as my pleasure climbed higher, racing towards that crescendo. The rest of the little oasis faded away and all I could see, hear, touch, and smell was Ronan.

"You're taking my fingers so well," he praised as he slid a third finger in, filling me to the brim.

His mouth found my neck again, probably leaving a trail of hickeys in his wake. But I could care less. If anything, it turned me on even more to have his marks on my skin. But everything, his thick fingers, his soft mouth, his smooth tongue, it all sent my senses into overdrive.

I raked my nails down his chest, words deserting me.

Three big fingers pumped me, but as soon as his thumb circled my clit, I saw stars as I exploded around his fingers. I threw my head back, pleasure making my words a mindless jumble.

My orgasm left me jelly-legged, panting, and weak all over. Still, I moved to take Ronan's cock in my hand, but he stopped me with a devilish grin. "I'm not done with you yet."

He got on his knees.

Fuck, yes. 

✶ ☾ ✶


Did I just write an entire chapter of Ronan fingering Aanya? Yes, yes I did. And I had a great time.

Drop some 🔥🔥🔥 in the comments if you're liking the spice!

I also need help naming Ronan's teammates! So, please drop as many names as you can in the comments for Ronan's teammates - both last names and first names! They're all guys but other than that, whatever names you can think of!

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,



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