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"So, what're you doing here? I thought you had a security meeting?" Aanya asked, looking up at me with her soft brown eyes, framed by long, dark lashes. Eyes I could get lost in.

I mentally shook myself. Right, what was I doing here? I ran out of the security briefing because I felt an unfounded bone-deep worry and had to see if Aanya was alright? Yeah, no, I couldn't say that.

I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's, uh, getting late. I wanted to see if you wanted to retire to your quarters."

The rest of the room, who had been staring at Aanya after she finished singing, started up their own hushed conversations. I shot reproaching looks at the few stragglers who still stared, not that I really blamed them, just because they made Aanya clearly uncomfortable. They had likely never heard music like that before.

I don't think Aanya understood just how good of a singer she was– we didn't have any singer on our planet who could make such pleasing sounds. Our voices were just too gruff and staccato.

Talion, who had stood at attention as soon as I came over, stepped forward. "I can show Ms. Patel, ma'am, I mean, Aanya to her quarters, Commander. I'm sure you have important matters to get to." Talion fumbled with his words. "Not that showing ma'a– Aanya her quarters isn't important, sir, but–"

I cut into Talion's rambling. He sure wanted to prove himself, but he didn't need to try so hard. "It's alright Talion. You should get some rest too, we're going to have a busy couple of days coming up."

"Yes, sir." Talion nodded and took away his and Aanya's tray of food.

"Thanks Talion!" Aanya yelled out after him as she stood too.

"What did you think of the offerings?" I motioned at the food stations as Aanya followed me out of the caf.

"Interesting, definitely interesting." Aanya smiled. I'd do anything to keep seeing that smile on her face. She told me of the different food she'd sampled and how they compared to her Earth's food.

I brought her to our rooms and showed her how to get in using a fingerprint scan. Quickly, I configured the door to make sure it was just set to both of our fingerprints, as well as Vrux's, and went in with her.

We stood in the general seating area, which branched off into three different rooms– one for Lani, one for Aanya, and one for me. We also had our own fabricator in here, able to dispense nutrient-rich food and beverages with unique, delightful tastes, tailored to the individual's dietary needs.

I showed her to her room and she stepped in. I hovered behind in the doorway.

I tried to see the room in her eyes, from someone who'd never been on a Rhodinian ship.

The walls were a luminescent shade of grey, emitting a soft, otherworldly glow. Unique, organic patterns danced across the walls, responding to the occupant's movements. The furniture was sleek and minimalist, with a floating bed suspended by the far wall, seemingly defying gravity. Holographic displays projected mesmerising images of distant galaxies and cosmic landscapes on the ceiling, customizable to the occupants' liking.

A gentle hum filled the air, a harmonious blend of ambient tones that resonated with a soothing frequency. It created an atmosphere of serene tranquillity for the occupant, optimised for sleep and relaxation. Occasionally, a melodic chime signalled messages or notifications from the ship's control system.

Aanya went over to the bed, running a hand over the sheets. The bedding was made of a material that adjusted its temperature and firmness based on the occupant's preferences.

Aanya sat on the bed, testing it.

"Is everything to your liking?" I asked, hesitant. I stepped further into the room, closer to her, as if drawn in by a magnetic pull.

"Oh, this is amazing." Aanya fell back onto the bed with a pleased little sigh. "So much better than the cell the lizardmen kept us in."

I winced, remembering our time held captive.

Noticing my discomfort, Aanya sat up and changed the subject. "What're the two other rooms?" she asked.

"Oh, one's for Lani. She's in there now with Vrux, who I believe is reading her a story." I hesitated before continuing, taking my time and sitting next to her on the bed. "The other is my room," I said tentatively.

"Really?" Aanya brightened, surprising me. I didn't know if she'd want me this close or not. Her brow furrowed. "I thought you'd be staying in the barracks?"

I looked down at the ground. "I can if you'd like me to? That's where I usually stay, with my team, and there's room in the bunks for me, even with the addition of Talion. I can go there now and–"

"I mean, your stuff was there?" Aanya cut in, confused.

I nodded. "Yes, Drogan brought it for me but I had it delivered here. I can take it to the barracks though, no problem." I rushed through the words. I'd assumed too much. I'd assumed she'd want me here and I was very wrong and–

"Oh." Aanya deflated. "If that's what you want."

I met her brown gaze. "What do you want me to do?"

Aanya bit her plush, pink lip. "Like you said, you usually stay with your teammates. I don't want you to change things for me. Whatever you want to do."

"I used to stay with my teammates. But now I have you and Lani. I–" I stumbled over my words. "I'd much rather be close to you, to you both," I amended. I took her hands in mine, sitting next to her on the bed.

Aanya looked up at me through her lashes. "I'd like that too. You staying here, I mean." Flustered, she clarified, grip on my hands tightening. "In your room, here."

"Then I'll stay here, with you," I said, words ringing with finality.

Her gaze flickered down to my lips and mine to hers. I craved more of those kisses that she had taught me.

The atmosphere crackled with the promise of a shared connection. Maybe we could finish what we'd started at the waterfall? I leaned closer, the anticipation of a tender moment hanging in the air.

✶ ☾ ✶


Ouuuu maybe a kiss coming up? Maybe more?😉 Comment what you want to happen next!!

I need suggestions– what kinds of dates could Aanya and Ronan go on in the ship? Lemme know any and all suggestions please!

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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