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Mae crossed her arms, frowning. "No, you're not leaving."


I glanced at Ronan who seemed equally confused. Kallum was looking a bit surprised at his mother's outburst, but Korath and Vrux seemed resigned.

I didn't know what to say. Was it even my place to say anything? I wrapped my arms around myself, looking out the dark window at the night sky like it would give me the answers I so desperately sought. Moonlight streamed in the windows, matching the serious note the conversation had taken.

Mae and Korath were Lani's grandparents, yes. But Ronan and I were the ones who saved Lani, who knew her from birth.

Ronan cleared his throat, crossing his arms. "Yes, we are leaving. Aunt Mae, the ship is leaving tomorrow." His voice was firm, stern. Like when he spoke seriously with High General Ilzax and Drogan. Ronan's military guy voice.

Mae pursed her lips together in displeasure. "No, it is far too dangerous. I let Kier go when I should not have and I will not make the same mistake again. The Intergalactic Alliance are fools to make you come in person and testify. "

My heart ached hearing that. I'm sure it was hard enough to lose Kier, then have hope he made it home, only to have that hope dashed. Though, I did agree about the Intergalactic Alliance being fools part of her sentiment.

Ronan raked his hands through his hair, exasperated. "Kier was on a diplomatic mission with little protection. This trip will be different. We'll have my full team along with the others assigned by High General Ilzax." His voice went softer. "It will be safe."

"But you do not know that!" Mae's voice went shrill and I winced. She lost her son and now could lose her granddaughter on this trip. But she had to know that Ronan wouldn't let any harm come to Lani. "You do not know it will be safe."

"Can any of us guarantee safety? Even here on Rhodin?" Ronan made a sweeping motion with his arms.

Kallum, Vrux, and Korath looked down, agreeing with Ronan. Nowhere would guarantee safety. Mae still frowned, adamant that we not go.

Ronan spoke softer, even if his words were harsh. "It has been approved by High General Ilzax. This isn't a discussion– we have to go."

Mae shook her head, no. "Then leave Lani here. You can go gallivanting through the farthest reaches of space if you'd like, but leave her here." Her voice broke, eyes on the ground.

I froze. Leave Lani? No, we couldn't. How could she ask us to do that?

I took a half step forward. "Ronan and I are all Lani has known. She's bonded with us and we've bonded with her. You'd have us be torn apart?" I finally spoke up, voice strong.

"Mother, you'll be able to call and see Lani whenever you want. Right, Ronan?" Kallum said, trying to soothe the fraught situation.

Ronan hesitated. "Yes, calls should be possible when on secure lines that don't jeopardise the mission."

Mae's gaze shot up. "We could go with you."

Korath sucked in a sharp breath at that. "Mae..." he trailed off, some unspoken conversation going on between their eyes.

"I know, I know. I can't travel for that long with my health. And you and Kallum are needed on the planet for the Council," Mae said with derision.

My gaze darted between them all, trying to read in between the lines. Her health? Was Mae not well? And how involved were Korath and Kallum in the Council? How did the Council work? So many questions spun around in my head, making me realise just how little I actually knew of Rhodin. How little I knew of this life away from Earth.

Mae's face went stone cold. "The three of you have to leave. But Vrux, don't think of leaving. You're needed here. If you go, there will be no place for you in this House when you return."

Vrux paled at that but didn't say anything in response.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Mae. We have to go," Ronan said so quietly that I almost didn't even hear.

Mae squared her shoulders. "Fine. Have a safe journey," she said stiffly, turning on her heel.

Once she left, Korath spoke up in his gruff voice. "She doesn't mean it. It's just a shock that you're leaving already. She'll come to her senses."

"She's just stressed right now. A lot has changed in such little time," Kallum added.

Korath nodded in agreement. "And Vrux, she didn't mean that. You'll always have a place in our House, old friend."

Korath clapped Vrux on the shoulder, the two clearly familiar.

Vrux inclined his head. "Thank you, sir. I'd like to accompany them, to help teach and protect Miss Lani as well."

Korath let out a heavy sigh. "I respect your decision. And I know you'll help keep the youngling safe."

"You have my best wishes for your journey." Korath nodded at me and Ronan before following Mae's exit. At least he was much more sincere than Mae.

Kallum let out a rough laugh. "You lot have definitely kicked the jabwa's nest with this one."

I assumed that was a saying similar to kicking the hornet's nest. Ronan shook his head at Kallum who smiled good-naturedly.

I gulped, looking at Ronan. Were we making the right choice? 

✶ ☾ ✶


Some tension in this chapter... whaddya think of everyone's reactions? 

Whaddya think is gonna happen on the mission? 

Also y'all, according to my stats 29,283 of you are reading my book but only 1,535 have followed me here on Wattpad. So it sounds like 27,748 of you gotta press that follow button 👀 I'd really appreciate it!

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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