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Aanya and I followed Aunt Mae and Uncle Korath into our home, Lani in Aanya's arms. It felt weird to think of Aunt Mae and Uncle Korath's house as home– I was rarely there growing up and now I stayed in the barracks when I was planetside.

"Welcome to our home. I'll organise a room for you both." Aunt Mae moved to leave, but I stopped her.

"Wait! Aanya, would you like to stay with me in a room or separately?" I asked, shoulders squared and braced for her answer. Stars, I wanted her with me. But I couldn't have everything I wanted. She was forced to be with me for weeks. Now, she had a choice. I'd always make sure she could have as many choices as possible.

"Um, with you would be better?" her voice went high. "I mean, together, with taking care of Lani and all, um, if you want?"

"I do. Want that, I mean." My chest tightened. Stars, why were all my words coming out so awkward?

"Would you be able to set up a crib for Lani in the room for us?" Aanya asked Aunt Mae.

Aunt Mae tilted her head, confused. "Are you sure you wouldn't like her separately in a nursery?"

"Well, erm," Aanya bit her lip. "It's just that I haven't been apart from Lani this whole time and I don't think I could bear her being so far away..." Aanya trailed off.

I agreed. I hated that I was unconscious for those three weeks we travelled, basically leaving Aanya without help to care for Lani or herself. I was a failure. For stars sake, I was a starsdamned commander! And I couldn't protect her.

"I can get that crib sorted." My voice came out in a rumble.

"That would be great." Aanya beamed up at me, making me feel even more like a worthless eel. Of course, I could procure a crib. She must think so little of me if she thought I couldn't even provide them a crib. And she wouldn't be wrong– she saw me at my worst, incapable self. But she'd never have to again.

"Anyways, I'll set up your room and we'll let you both get settled– we have much to discuss." Aunt Mae motioned at Uncle Korath to follow her as she left the room.

"Um, thank you, ma'am!" Aanya called after her, a bit at a loss for words to say.

That left Aanya, Lani, and I. Our little family.

I cleared my throat. "Are you hungry?"

"Yes, please. Anything's better than what the lizardmen fed us," Aanya quipped.

I led her to the kitchen.

"Sit, please." I held out the chair for her. "I can hold Lani, if that's alright?" She'd been holding her the entire time.

"Please do." Aanya winced, rubbing her lower back. "I love her, but she's getting heavier by the day."

I helped Aanya untie Lani and marvelled at Lani's little wings. I tied her to my front and placed a gentle hand on her back. Her eyes blinked open and she babbled at me, awake.

"I'll make some food for you both, I'll be quick," I told Aanya as she sat at the table. She deserved to relax. She let out a pleased sigh before stiffening.

"Wait, no, I can help you! You don't need to cook for me, I can help." She moved to stand, but I stopped her with an arm on her hand.

"I rested long enough, I can do this," I attempted a joke about me being out of it for three weeks.

"You didn't rest, you were unconscious. Hurt. I didn't know if you'd wake up. CARREN told me you probably wouldn't. God, I was so scared." Aanya shivered.

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