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Our lips met and it felt like the last piece of a puzzle clicking into place. My heart pounded wildly, so loud that I'm sure Ronan's superhuman hearing could hear. My cheeks heated with embarrassment but I was soon distracted, the roar of the waterfall and chirping of wildlife lost to me as I fell into our kiss.

His lips were soft and tentative. I reacquainted myself with the feel of his kiss, unhurried and so unlike our first kiss that was desperate and full of unspoken words.

The kiss I thought would be our first and last. The kiss that said that he was worth it to me. That he was everything to me.

The moment I knew that Ronan had become personal to me. Somewhere along the way, from being rescued, to interrogated by the council, to learning an entirely new culture, I'd lost that.

But now, here in this utopia, I found that again.

The longing building in my chest reached its crescendo. Without even thinking, my hands found their way up his chest to his neck, resting at the soft nape of his neck.

I gently pressed myself closer and his breath caught. If it was possible, I think I became addicted to the taste of his lips.

His hands spanned my waist, grip tight and possessive. I sunk into him, into his familiar warmth. Every nerve ending came alive, craving Ronan.

My thoughts were jumbled and incoherent, just relishing in having him, holding him. Through all this uncertainty, I didn't know where we stood. All I knew was that this felt right.

His fingers ghosted my jaw, tilting my head up to kiss me deeper, the shy kiss turning more fervent. It wasn't a fairytale kiss with inexperience and overeager clashing, but it was perfect.

We both pulled back, needing air. My chest heaved, the best kind of adrenaline pumping through my veins. It took a moment for Ronan to catch his breath too.

Ronan's eyes flashed to mine, full of desire and awe. He cupped my cheek, his calloused thumb loving to brush my lip reverently. I pulled his hand closer and pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his palm.

"I chose you, Ronan." I peered up at him, breathless. "And I know you didn't choose me, but I hope you don't resent me for tying you to me."

Ronan blinked at me, as if he couldn't believe my words. "Aanya, you're more than I could have ever hoped for in life. Even if it's just a year I get to spend with you, I know it'll be the best year of my life."

I fought a wince at that. Just a year together, right. I almost forgot. I willed myself to forget about it again. We could enjoy each other now, then. Stepping back, I looked around, taking in the gorgeous flowers and greenery. I stepped closer to the water's edge.

"Why don't we go for a swim?" I peered at the crystal clear water. "Is it safe?" Seeing as I didn't know much about the planet, for all I knew there were flesh eating parasites in the seemingly innocent water.

Ronan tilted his head in consideration. "Yes, it's safe, but I didn't bring anything for us to swim in."

"I know." My grin turned wicked as I turned and pulled my hair over my shoulder so Ronan could undo my dress for me. "Help?"

He stepped closer, tentative. I mean, after a kiss like that, he could unbutton my dress.

His big fingers fumbled with the delicate clasps. His voice rumbled as he bared more skin. "I know I shouldn't be jealous, but I couldn't help it when I saw Eco with you. Thinking that he did these buttons up for you."

"Well, you're the one that gets to unbutton them, if that helps. I don't see Eco like... that. You're the only one I see like that." I couldn't say it. I didn't love Ronan, I couldn't. It was too soon. I wasn't in love with him yet, but I sure was falling. And if he kept doing sweet things like ordering obscene amounts of clothes for Lani, remembering little things about me, and me and taking me to secret gorgeous waterfalls, I didn't see that changing.

Ronan finished unbuttoning my dress and I stepped out of it, letting the fabric pool at my feet. I fought the urge to cover my stomach or my chest, my undergarments leaving little to the imagination.

Ronan's appreciative gaze darkened with desire as he took me in, emboldening me.

I stepped into the cool water, such a contrast from the heat coursing through my veins. I looked over my shoulder. "You look a tad overdressed. Aren't you going to join me?"

That seemed to knock him out of his stupor and he was quick to undress, removing and folding his clothes with military precision.

My mouth practically watered as I took him in, just in his boxer-like undergarments. God, it was like he was carved out of marble, from his back muscles to his six-pack to his powerful wings.

Smiling, I splashed him with water to hurry him up, already submerged in the pool of water.

Ronan dove in, so different from my tentative one-toe-in first approach. He came up, slicking back his wet hair.

We circled each other, chatting about nothing and everything until I found myself under the waterfall with Ronan, arms twined around his neck, legs wrapped around his waist, and heat building in my core. Lips red and swollen from our kisses, I wanted more.

✶ ☾ ✶


OMG Y'ALL I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE FIFTY CHAPTERS INTO CWTAW!! Like that's so wild. 50, 592 words so far. 

This story has come so far and I have soooo much planned for Aanya and Ronan. *insert evil author cackle here because they're gonna go through a lot*

Coming up next: 🔥🔥🔥

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Virtually yours,


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