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The sedative wore off but my mind was still foggy. Not from the sedative but from panic.

If my implant wasn't working that meant that my team wasn't coming for us. Aanya and I were stuck here.

My team wasn't coming. We were stuck here.

My breaths quickened.

My team wasn't coming. We were stuck here. My team wasn't coming. We were stuck here. My team wasn't coming. We were stuck here. My team wasn't coming. We were stuck–

A feminine cry broke through my panic. Aanya! I'd recognize her voice anywhere.

I got to my feet and roared, frustrated and powerless. My chest ached like there was something tight there.

The Szenists who had been patrolling the corridor stopped in front of my cage, clearly having heard me.

I wanted to wring the Szenists' scrawny little necks. Body tense, I ground my teeth, fangs begging to descend. Begging for a fight.

I winced at a sudden sharp pain in my leg as well. Was this residual pain from the shock sticks?

The pain in my thigh intensified and Aanya cried out again. Hearing Aanya in pain stirred something ancient in my blood.

I got to my feet and stalked to the bars of my cage, unleashing a rage-filled roar. Heart pounding, I gripped the metal bars of my cage, eyes hard and flinty on the two Szenists.

"If you've hurt her, I will raze this place to the ground." I growled. "I will come for every last one of you."

The two Szenists glanced at each other, uneasy. "Settle down, Specimen 198. We cannot use the sedative on you again but we will not hesitate to use our shock sticks on you."

I could withstand their shock sticks. But I wanted to go back to Aanya, so I behaved. For now.

I forced myself to go to the back of my cage and meditate. My commander had always told me meditation was my strong suit, but I couldn't find calm today.

After what felt like an eternity, they led me back to our cell in cuffs. I could've easily snapped them, but I didn't. As slowly and patiently as I could, I walked back to the cell.

Aanya was lying there on her cot, head lolled back, restrained by straps.

Fear shot straight to my heart. I clenched my fist and my body practically vibrated with the need to get to her. What did they do to her?

"Step into the cage and stay still, Specimen 198," the Szenist hissed.

Muscles tense, I complied and stepped in the cage. It was like the Szenist was being deliberately slow to take off my cuffs. The second they removed the cuffs, I rushed over to Aanya.

I knelt by her cot and scanned her for injuries. There was nothing visible to me, but that didn't mean she wasn't hurt.

"Aanya, Aanya wake up." I brushed back the hair that had fallen in her face. When she didn't respond, I checked her heartbeat, ear pressed against her chest. It thudded steadily in my ear.

I gently shook her shoulder and said her name again. She groaned.

My muscles lost their tension and I slumped forward. Thank the stars. She was okay.

She blinked her eyes open, brow furrowed in confusion.

"Ronan– Ronan– what's–" she struggled to get her words out.

"It's alright, don't worry," I murmured, trying to undo the restraints. When that didn't work, I resorted to ripping the buckles open, freeing her.

Aanya brought a hand to her head. "Oh god, my head is killing me. Is it hotter in here? I feel warmer."

She moved to sit up and I helped her, hand gentle on her back.

"What did they do to you?" I all but growled out.

"I'm fine, I swear." She avoided my gaze.

I waited, patient.

"They– they tied me down," she started, voice halting. "Did some sort of blood test to see if I was pregnant. Spoiler: I'm not." She laughed, the sound harsh and unlike her.

Aanya shook her head and continued. "I tried to get out of the restraints and they tightened them, so I yelled. I didn't mean to yell," she berated herself, looking down.

Before I could say anything she continued, the rest coming out in one breath. "They heard you yell or whatever in response to me and so then they hurt me to make you react and then they– they did the physical examination and they knew we didn't have sex so they said they were going to use RD-5290 or something on me and then this vent opened and this gas knocked me out." She gulped in air.

I hung my head. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault." Aanya insisted. "It's not your fault at all."

It was my fault. I failed her and I couldn't even save her from this place.

"Look at me, Ronan," she pleaded and I forced my gaze to meet her liquid brown eyes. "It's the stupid lizardmen's fault. Never yours." She gripped my hand like a lifeline.

"What did they do to you?" she asked, brows drawn together in concern.

"Shocked me, sedated me, threw me in a cell." I counted off on my fingers. Nothing compared to what they did to her.

I cleared my throat and pulled back my hand. "I have to tell you something."

"What– what is it?" her voice came out hesitant.

I stared down at my empty hands, not wanting to see her crestfallen expression that I was sure would appear. "They deactivated my tracker implant. There's nobody coming for us, Aanya."

I waited for her to hope to slip away. I waited for her disappointment. I waited for her to hate me. 

✶ ☾ ✶


How do you think Aanya is going to react? 😦

Because I'm nosy, I'm curious what other genres you read? I love pretty much any genre of romance– sci fi ofc, fantasy, dark, all of 'em. Comment and let me know!!

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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