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I sprinted back to the cockpit, pulled out the cork with my teeth and poured the alcohol on the wound. Ronan didn't stir and that had to hurt like a bitch.

The alcohol worked in washing away the green stuff. I wiped off my hands on my dress and grabbed the lighter to heat up the kitchen knife. My hands shook as the blade warmed.

"What are you doing?" The AI asked, sounding defensive of Ronan.

"The heat will burn the wound– close it so he stops bleeding." My voice shook. What if I burned too much, into healthy muscle? What if this didn't stop the bleeding? What if–

"So primitive." The AI sounded like she was frowning at me, if that was even possible.

I rolled my eyes and let out an exasperated huff. "Do you have a better idea Shuttle AI voice thing?"

She went quiet for a beat. "My name is CARREN."

Karen. Of course, the sassy AI was named Karen.

"I'm Aanya," I replied. "God, I hope this works," I added under my breath.

I stuffed some gauze into Ronan's mouth in case he bit down. Something hard would have been better, but that was all I had. Soon, the blade glowed red.

Immediately, I pressed the flat side of the blade on the wound.

Ronan's eyes shot open, frame tensing in pain. I fought through my anguish and kept pressing the blade against the wound until the bleeding slowed.

I fought my nausea from the smell of Ronan's burning skin. Lani let out a little cry from her spot in the pilot seat, but I had to focus on Ronan right now.

I moved the blade down, getting the whole length of the wound cauterised. Then, I doused the whole wound with alcohol again and used the UV scanner light thing. The bleeding stopped.

Ronan slumped back, passed out again.

Sitting back on my haunches, I finally could breathe easier. I did it. Ronan's heart was still beating and he was still breathing.

I physically couldn't drag him to one of the cabins to put him on a bed and it probably wouldn't be good to disturb his wound, so I brought a pillow and blanket from the cabin for him.

With Carren's help, I washed off the blood and rinsed out my dress but I couldn't get the blood out. It'd be forever stained. Carren offered other clothes, but it felt weird to take clothes off the ship, so I let the dress dry and put it back on.

Refreshed, I rationed out the formula and fed Lani some. I made a makeshift crib for her in the cockpit because I didn't want to leave Ronan alone. I dragged some bedding in for myself as well.

My stomach grumbled, so I went to the kitchen. "Carren, where's the food?"

She cleared her throat. How was that even possible? It wasn't like she actually had a throat. But I didn't think on it more when she answered. "The ship was not restocked prior to takeoff."

"Lovely," I replied sarcastically. There was no food. Why couldn't I catch a break? I escaped from aliens, the least the universe could do was give me food.

At least there was water. I filled up a cup and gulped it down. And then another. And another. It helped my hunger pangs somewhat.

I went back to the cockpit and checked on Lani. She cried, unhappy.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" I picked her up and bounced her. "I just fed you. I can't give you more, I have to keep enough for the whole trip."

She cried louder, reaching out in the direction of Ronan. "Big guy is sick right now, he can't play with you right now."

Lani only cried louder. I'd never seen her act like this.

"Okay, okay. But we need to be careful, big guy's hurt, okay?" I spoke to her like she could understand me.

She quieted to hiccupping cries as I brought her closer. She went silent as soon as I put her down next to Ronan. I eased down next her. I laid there with Lani nestled between us, her small hand resting on Ronan's arm. The frown on Ronan's face seemed to ease with Lani's hand on him.

A sense of peace washed over me.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and trusted that Carren would get us to Rhodin.

But how would I last three weeks without food? 

✶ ☾ ✶


Out of the frying pan and into the fire! (is that the saying lol)

Isn't Lani so cute?? I love her. What're your predictions for the upcoming chapters? 

Bc I'm nosy, what time of day do you usually read? I'm a nighttime reader for sure– and early morning reader when the book is really good and I just don't sleep. 

Comments and votes are much appreciated.

Virtually yours,


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