Chapter 1

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I sigh as I slowly clean up my desk at work. Although it was a normal day at work it is still very tiring. I pick up my things off my desk and gather my bags to head out of work. As I pass our front desk I wave at Jan sitting there.

"Bye Jan have a good weekend!" I said as I pass her.

"Bye Y/N have fun on your trip!" she says back.

I walk to the elevator and press the first-floor button. I wait for the doors to close and take my phone out. Nothing new is happening really so I put my phone back in my bag just as I reach the first floor. I walk out of the elevator and make my way out of the building. As soon as I step outside I take in a deep breath and head to my car. I unlock it and hop on in.

I plug in my phone and open Spotify to start my playlist "party-hearty". I start the car and press play. The first song to play was Thank God by Kane Brown. I put the car in drive and start my journey home. The whole drive home was thinking about what I needed to pack for the conference I am going to. I leave tomorrow and I have yet to pack anything. My flight is at 6 tomorrow morning to LA. Honestly, I am a little bit excited because whenever I go to these conferences I sign up for just the morning classes so I have the rest of the day to explore wherever I am going. The best part about these trips is I get to go wherever I want and my work pays for it since it is continued education. Eventually, I made it to my apartment and made my way inside. I set my bags down on the counter and greet Luca.

"Hi, baby! How was your day huh?" I excitedly ask him. He just stares at me and wiggles his but all over. I make my way into the kitchen and wash my hands. After drying off my hands I grab Luca's collar and jiggle it around. He comes running up to me and sits down as soon as I show him the collar. "You ready to go outside?" I ask him and put the collar on. I open the door and we make our way out of the building to the dog relief area.

I wait for him to do his business and pick up said business. I throw it in the trash and we make our way back up into the apartment. As soon as we got back I take his collar off and set it back where it belonged.

I then made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. As I wait for that to warm up I start to take my clothes off and set them in the laundry basket. I then hop in the shower and clean myself.

After, hop out and dry off. I then put lotion on my face and everything and then go to my bedroom. I put on a big shirt and spandex.

After getting dressed I go to the kitchen and start to make dinner. I was thinking of some buttered noodles. I am not the best cook honestly. I know how to make three things buttered noodles, mac and cheese, and steak. I do not have a big menu to choose from. I get the pot out and start boiling the water.

As I wait for that I go to turn my PC on and open up chrome. When I do I open Youtube and start Valkyrae's stream. I let that play in the background and head back to the kitchen. The water is almost boiling so I get the noodles out and set them next to the pot. I wait to lean against the counter scrolling through Instagram.

Honestly, I hate going through personal social media. All I see are people living their best lives as I am just stuck in the same routine over and over again. But whatever enough of the sad stuff the water is boiling. I pour the noodles I am going to eat and set a 7-minute timer on my phone. I go and watch the stream I set up. After the timer went off I drained the water and put them back in the pot. I put the butter in and served myself some in a bowl. I put some cheese on it and sat down at my desk again.

I watched Rae and ate my food peacefully slowly giving some noodles to Luca who was sitting at my feet. After I finished I put my dishes in the dishwasher and cleaned the pot I used.

Once everything was put away I when to my bedroom and put the suitcase I was taking on my bed. I packed all my shirts, pants, underwear, and whatever else I needed. I closed the suitcase and set it next to the front door.

By now it was about 9 pm so I had some time to play some games. I open up discord and saw all my friends were on Call of Duty. I hopped on the call they were all in and opened up the game. Once they were done with the game they were in I got into the party. We started getting some games and the cliche trash talk started "go back to the kitchen!" "make me a sandwich!" and "this game is rated m for men!". Honestly, can these guys make up better disses? I have heard the same thing over and over again. They are not very creative. After our little gaming session, I told everyone goodnight and turned my PC off. It was already midnight so I should probably head to bed.

I made my way to my bed and told Luca to hop off. He always sleeps in my bed when I'm gaming but I don't let him sleep on the bed with me. I love him and everything but it hurts my back when he sleeps with me. I would rather have all the space on the bed to myself. I scrolled through TikTok a bit more before slowly falling asleep ready for my early morning.

A/N: Hi guys! I hope you enjoy this book. Let me know if you see any mistakes and I'll fix them! Also, let me know what you think I would love to hear them. This is my first book writing am actual story so if something needs to change I would really like to know. I hope you are having a good day! Okay, BYEEEEEEE

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