Chapter 14

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"It's time to wake up babe," I hear Lizzie whisper to wake me up. I am still cuddled up into her side and she is massaging my scalp which is not helping with waking me up. If anything it is making me want to fall asleep more. 

"No," I respond and snuggle further into her. 

"You wanted to go skiing so we need to wake up if you are wanting to do that," she stops rubbing my head.

"What time is it?" I ask finally opening my eyes and stretching out a bit. Since I was curled up in a ball all night everything pretty much cracked.

"It is about 7 so if we get ready now we can get up there at a good time," I nod standing up and stretching more. I crack my neck and fingers finally feeling awake. "What on earth was that?" Lizzie looks at me stunned.

"I cracked my neck and fingers," I shrug a bit and go back to the bed to hug Lizzie. I put my head on her stomach and look up at her. "Good morning," I smile at her.

"Good morning to you too," she leans forward for a kiss but I turn my head so she kisses my cheek. "what the heck?" she looks at me with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I am not kissing you with morning breath," I explain my actions. She pouts and grabs my head to try for another kiss.

"I don't care," she leans forward again and I force my head out of her hands and stand up out of the bed. I take my hand out and she takes it. I lead her to the bathroom and I start brushing my teeth. She does the same standing in front of me. We both spit out the tooth past and wipe our mouths.

I turn to face her and finally give her the kiss she has been wanting. She pecks my lips 3 times and turns away going to the bedroom. I follow her out and grab my snowboarding bag. I put it down on the floor and make the bed quickly so we can lay our clothes on it. After I finish that I put my bag on the bed and start to lay my clothes out. I choose some leggings, sweats, and a long sleeve shirt. 

Lizzie is searching through her suitcase and grabs some things. "Can I borrow some things?" she turns to me. 

"Yeah take whatever you need," I point to my closet which she gladly goes in and starts picking out clothes to wear. She takes a sweatshirt and one of my long sleeve shirts. We both change into our clothes quickly and get ready to go. "Do you want to stay up there?" I question just in case I need to take an extra bag and let my mom know to take care of Luca.

"If you want to. We could go skiing for two days instead of just one. What will Luca do if we stay up there?" She points to my sleepy dog.

"My mom will take him. We don't have to worry about that," I notify her. "So I take it we are staying up there?" I clarify.

"Yeah we should," she nods. I get out an extra bag and start to pack extra clothes for us both. This way Lizzie doesn't need to take her suitcase. Once I finish packing I set everything next to the front door including my snowboard and boots. I go to take Luca out while Lizzie finishes up getting ready so he will be good until my mom can come to pick him up. 

We come back up to the apartment and it looks like Lizzie is ready so I grab my board and my other snowboarding gear. I take a quick trip to the car and put my stuff in. I lock my board on the roof rack and go back into the apartment. I walk in and see Lizzie cuddling with my dog while waiting for me. 

"You ready?" I question and she nods and gives a final kiss to Luca saying goodbye. I do the same and we head out the door. We get to the car and I throw the last bag in the back while Lizzie gets in the car. I slip into my seat and we start the journey up to the mountains.

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