Chapter 18

911 32 2


Lizzie POV

Today is the day I leave to go back home. It makes me a little sad to leave, but I have to start filming, so luckily, I will be busy and not focus too hard on Y/N. It has been really nice staying here and spending time with her. The feeling that poured out during this trip made me so happy. I have never been with a woman but it feels so natural with her. I feel so happy with her.

Right now I have woken up before her of course. I have just been admiring her from my position on the bed. I wiggled out of her embrace to get a better view. She is snoring a little bit which makes me giggle. I have been doing this for at least 15 minutes which means I should probably wake her up.

"Babe," I whisper to her running my hand through her messy hair. "Baby," I try again. Doesn't work. I lean over and start peppering kisses all over her face starting at her chin. I start to feel her move so I stop and look. Her eyes lazily open and she smiles instantly.

"Good morning," she says stretching her arms to put around me. She snuggles close to me not opening her eyes.

"Good morning baby," I brush her hair off her face. "It's time to get up so we can have fun before my flight," I tell her. She opens her eyes and pouts at me.

"I don't want you to leave," she hugs me tighter.

"I know but you get to come to visit me soon," I try to reason with her.

"Yeah but that's in a month. What will I do until then," she whines like a child.

"You will go back to work and do your routines. We will facetime like normal and it will go by in a blink of an eye," I make her wit up even though she is still attached to me. "For now we go have fun okay," I look at her.

"Okay let's go have fun," she releases me from the hug and gets up from the bed. I follow her and we do our morning routine. After we are done we go to the kitchen and start to make breakfast. We decide on some eggs and fruit so Y/N makes her special eggs and I cut up the fruit. We work in harmony making the food. Once it is done we sit down on the bar stool and begin eating.

We eat quickly and get dressed. I choose some jeans and a white shirt while Y/N puts on leggings and a long sleeve shirt. Y/N lets Luca out while I clean up the dishes from breakfast. Once she comes back in we both grab our things. I grab my suite case because we are going straight to the airport after our day. I say my goodbyes to Luca and we head out of the apartment.

Y/N takes my suite case and puts it in the back of the car while I get in the passenger seat. Once she puts the bag in the trunk she gets in and starts the car. I don't really know where we are headed but I know it has go-carts and mini-golf. We got to the place pretty quickly and headed in.

"How long do you want to be here?" Y/N questioned before we got to the register.

"I don't know do they have food here?" I turned and looked at her.

"They do," she confirms.

"Then we can stay here till I have my flight," I let her know what I'm thinking and she nods. We get to the register and Y/N gets the unlimited passes. Once we get our wristbands and we decided we are going to golf first. I grab the gold club that looks like it will fit me and Y/N doe the same. We walk to the first hole and I go first.

"You know babe I'm pretty good at mini-golf. So make every hit count," she teases me as I take my first hit. It gets close to the hole but doesn't quite go in. (A/N: That's what she said. lol) Y/N steps up and takes her first hit and she gets a hole-in-one. "And that's how it's done," she smirks as we move to the next hole.

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