Chapter 38

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Lizzie POV

I wake up the next morning before Y/N. Today is the day we go back to Atlanta but first, we have to see my sister's studio. I am a little excited to see what Y/N thinks of it because I could imagine her as a model. Either way, I get to take some free clothes so it is a win-win for me. I guess I should probably cook something up for Y/N or else she will not eat. I leave sleeping Beauty in bed and get making my way to the kitchen. I decide to make some scrambled eggs just the way she likes them and we can eat in bed.

I make the food quickly putting it on a plate all pretty with some fruit that she will maybe eat and then bring it to our bedroom. I open the door and she still hasn't moved from her previous position when I woke up. I smile at how cute she is and go put down the plates on the nightstand. I then hop up on the bed and settle next to her. I run my fingers through her hair pushing it back to see her beautiful face.

"Babe," I say quietly kissing her forehead lightly. "Baby it's time to get up," I try again but it doesn't work. "I made food," I say instead and she instantly wakes up.

"Where?" she asks in her sleepy state and I laugh rolling my eyes. She looks around lost until her eyes connect with mine. "Good morning my love," she smiles lovingly at me which makes me practically melt on the spot.

"Good morning baby. I made breakfast," I point to the plates behind her and she turns to see.

"Mmmm thank you," she says closing her eyes again and cuddling into my side.

"Babe you have to get up. We get to go see my sister's studio," I try to convince her she just wines in response like a child.

"I just want to cuddle all day," she pouts at me.

"Well I'm sorry we already have commitments," I kiss the pout away and move to sit on her hips. I grab the plates off the nightstand and hand her one of them after she slides up the bed sitting up more. "I tried to make it like your mom's let me know what you think," I tell her unsure because I know she is weird about eggs. She takes a bite and I wait in anticipation.

"It's good baby. Good job," she continues to eat which makes me happy. I begin eating with her as we both share kisses, winks, and smiles. After we are done I set the plates back on the side with a deep breath. "Thank you for breakfast my love," she compliments as she wraps her arms around my waist.

"Of course, now up we gotta go see my sisters before we leave," I pat her belly and get off of her hips. I make my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day and I am shortly joined by my sleepy girlfriend. After we get all ready and put away the dishes we get our shoes on and get into the Uber I ordered for us.

The ride is pretty short to their studio it's only about a 15-minute drive with traffic so not too bad. Once we get there Y/N instantly grabs my hand which I gladly take and lead her to the elevator. We get up to the floor and you can instantly hear the bass of whatever music they are listening to.

"Lizzie! Y/N!" MK Yells over the music.

"Hey! What's going on here?" I ask looking at all the models doing their thing.

"Oh just some photos for the website," she waves her hand. "Ash! Come over here!" she waves over to our sister that has been focused on the shoot.

"Oh hey, guys! I'm glad you could swing by before going back home! Y/N have you ever done a photoshoot before?" Ash asks my girlfriend that has been silent so far.

"Uh no not really," she looks at me for help.

"Maybe you and Lizzie could get into some clothes and take some pictures for us?" she offers which I get excited for.

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