Chapter 11

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Lizzie's POV

I am woken up by shuffling going on around me. I slowly open my eyes to see Y/N getting ready for her work day. She is sitting next to me putting her mascara on and looking focused in her handheld mirror. I start rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and sit up. I look over at her and she is already smiling at me.

"Did you sleep well?" she puts her task on hold putting her attention on me. I nod back at her still trying to wake up a bit. I look over at my phone and see it is 6 am. I know this is the time I have been waking up lately but I am on vacation. I want to sleep in a little.

I get up out of the bed and go to her bathroom. I go pee and come back out to lie back down. I see Y/N is already dressed for her work day. What am I going to do when she is gone? I wonder if she would let me come. "Hey, could I come with you to work?" I give her my best puppy eyes.

"Sure. But you will have to stay in my office," she lets me know. I excitedly get out of bed and hug her around her waist. "If you are going to come you have to get ready quickly. I am not going to be late," she starts to release me from the hug but I keep squeezing. She slowly pushes me away by my forehead and I release her. I flash her a smile and go to my back to get ready quickly.

As soon as I am ready we head out of her apartment and to her car. We hop in and start our journey to her work. On our way, we stopped by Starbucks so I can eat some breakfast. Y/N orders me a breakfast sandwich as well as my coffee. I notice she orders the drink I got that spilled all over her. She ordered a vanilla latte. We go through the drive-thru and grab our drinks at the window. She hands me my stuff and I much on it happily in my seat.

Soon enough we get to her work and we get out of the car. She grabs my hand to lead me into the building and up to the floor she works on. As soon as we exit the elevator I am amazed by the view. Her work looks directly at all the mountains.

"Pretty huh?" She asks stopping with me to look at the view.

"I know we have mountains in California but man these beat it by a mile," I compliment the view in front of me. I have pulled away from the view as Y/N pulls my hand to what I assume is her office.

"Okay so you will have to stay here as I work but luckily I don't have an officemate so you can take that desk and do whatever," she shows me the empty desk and I go to sit down. She logs into her computer and gets ready for her work day. "I am going to go see my first patient. You will be okay here?" She double-checks before leaving me.

"Yep I am going to work a little bit from my phone," I tell her. She nods and heads out of her office. The rest of the morning goes pretty much the same. She comes into her office types some things and then goes to her next patient. I just occupy myself on my phone while she works.

It is about noon now and I am starting to get pretty hungry. Hopefully, we go get some lunch soon. Y/N comes back into her office and types some things up on her computer then turns to me. "You hungry?" she asks.

I nod rapidly and stand up. "Where are we going to eat?" I gather my purse and get ready to leave the room.

"I was thinking either we can go to the hospital that is connected to here and eat at the cafe or we can go get some pizza from this really good place," she lists off our options.

"Pizza sounds pretty good," I tell her. She nods and we make our way out of the building. Our drive was pretty short and we go into the pizza place. It looks like a classic pizza parlor with the seat duct-taped together and the floors covered in flour.

"Two sausages?" The worker asks Y/N. She nods back and looks at me.

"Do you know what you want?" She questions as we approach the register.

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