Chapter 37

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I am woken up with kisses all over my face from Luca and Lizzie which makes me smile. I open my eyes to her beautiful smile and do a good stretch with her sitting on my hips. "Good morning love," I smile back at her and rest my hands on her thighs.

"Good morning. I let you sleep as much as I could but we have to get up to go to my parents," she states still keeping eye contact with me. 

"I guess I have to get up then huh," I sit up and wrap my arms around her torso and resting my chin on her sternum. "I love you," I smile lovingly up at her as she runs her hands through my hair.

"I love you too baby. Now up," she commands as she gets up off my lap. I follow her into the bathroom to do my normal routine making funny faces at her as we both brush our teeth. I give her a quick peck on the lips before leaving her to do the rest of my morning routine. I decide on a little bit fancier outfit for today throwing on some jeans and a nice flannel. I will wear a vest once we leave. I know this isn't super fancy but once again I don't know how to dress myself so here we are. I wait for Lizzie to finish up as I sit on the bed just scrolling through my phone. I like some tweets that are literally just pictures of Lizzie and tweet out wishing them a happy Thanksgiving. 

Once I send that out Lizzie is finally ready and shows off her dress in front of me. "You look, beautiful babe," I compliment and she bounces on her toes.

"Thank you, baby. You look cute too," She holds her hands out for me to stand up and we go out to get our shoes on. After we are both set we make our way out of the apartment and into a car that is waiting for us. As we get closer to the house I start rubbing my thighs as my nerves increase. Lizzie stops my movement by putting her hand on mine and looks at me. "You will be okay. I will be right there okay?" she checks and all I can do is nod.

We pull up in front of a pretty nice house and I get out of the car first. I then offer my hand out for Lizzie which she takes and I intertwine our hands. Lizzie knocks on the door and steps back standing next to me. The door opens and an older woman smiles at us.

"Hi Mom," Lizzie greets with a hug.

"Hi Lizard!" she squeezes my girlfriend tightly. "And you must be Y/N," she looks at me as they separate.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you Ms. Olsen" I nervously put out my clammy hand for her to shake. 

"Oh call me Jarnie," she waves her hand and goes to hug me. I hug back carefully and she invites us in when we separate. "So the twins, Courtney, and Trent are already here we are just waiting for Jake," she tells us as we walk through the house to where everyone is relaxing. The twins greet me with a smile and a comforting hug and then I face Courtney.

"Hi, it is nice to meet you," I wipe my hands on my pants and put one out to shake. 

"It is nice to meet you too Y/N," she smiles and shakes my hand. Trent comes up to us as well and I introduce myself. 

"Hello Trent, it is nice to meet you I'm Y/N," I shake his hand as well. After all the introductions are done including Jake that comes in late Lizzie and I take a seat in the living room. I rub my hands on my legs and look around the area. It's designed simply. I can definitely tell where Lizzie got her style.

"Hey, you okay?" Lizzie rubs my arm to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm good. They seem really nice," I smile at her.

"They are. They seemed to like you so far," she tells me and I just nodded not knowing what to say back. "Dinner should be ready soon. Are you okay if I go check?" she asks. 

"Yeah, I'll be good. I'm just gonna stay here," she says okay and pecks my lips before going to help her mother in the kitchen.

"Hey Y/N," Trent greets me. I give him a small wave back and he sits down next to me. "How are you?" he starts off this awkward conversation.

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