Chapter 31

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Lizzie's POV

I'm so happy Y/N came here earlier than I thought. Her surprising me yesterday really upped my mood. I was pretty sad without her here. It is now the following day. We did not get a chance to put her things away. In all honesty, we really didn't get out of bed. Right now I have just been lightly tracing my beautiful girlfriends' face with my fingertips. I have to work today cause I didn't know she would be here today. I really wish I didn't have to because I would really like to just get her settled in and everything. I think she will probably sleep most of the day anyway today.

I look over at the clock and sigh because it is time to get up. I detach myself from Y/N as slowly as I can careful not to wake her up and make my way to the bathroom. I do my normal morning routine and go out to put some fresh clothes on. I choose some leggings and one of Y/N's sweatshirts. After I am dressed I go to Y/N's side of the bed. I lean down and give her a kiss on the forehead.

"Lizzie?" she says in her sleepy state.

"Babe I got to go to work. Go to back sleep," I whisper. I cover her in the covers tucking her back in. That must have been enough because Y/N goes back to sleep almost instantly.

I make my way out of the house and drive toward work. Hopefully today we can finish up early. I know she isn't going anywhere anytime soon but I just want to spend all my time with her. The drive to work was pretty quick because it is a part of my routine now. When I get to set I do my usual things like going to makeup and costume. After that, we instantly get into filming. So far filming this show has been a lot of fun. Paul and I have always had good chemistry and of course, Kathryn and I get along very well. I have even sent her some worms from my garden to her.

Filming goes by pretty fast up until lunch. I should probably check if Y/N is alive. I haven't heard from her but that doesn't surprise me that much. It's funny how I am such an early bird but Y/N would rather do anything else in the world but be awake in the early hours of the day. I go to my trailer and call Y/N.

"Hello?" I hear her sleepy voice through my phone.

"Hi, baby. Are you alive?" I laugh a little.

"Yes, I am alive. I have just been sleeping. Your bed is very comfy," she tells me.

"Well, I am glad you like it 'cause it is our bed," I laugh at her sleepiness. "I just wanted to call and make sure you were doing good that is all. I might be out of here early so be awake when I get home so we can put away your stuff alright?" I let her know my plan.

"Okay," she responds shortly. I know she is wanting to go back to sleep.

"I love you. Sleep well baby," I let her go.

"Love you too," she returns and the line goes silent. I assume she just went back to sleep so I hang up. After making sure she was okay I went and got some food and ate with the other cast members. When we all finished we got back to work finishing the scenes. Although I want to get out of here early I want to make sure that these scenes are cared for. The rest of the afternoon went by decently fast. We got out about an hour earlier than expected, which is better than nothing. I changed out of my costume quickly and made my way out to the car.

I drove home and picked up some food for Y/N because I know she hasn't eaten today. Once I get through the door I put my things down and take off my shoes. I let Luca out in the backyard so he can use the restroom. I go up to the bedroom and hear Y/N's phone. I look into the bedroom and see my girlfriend laying on her back with her phone on her chest.

"Hey sleepyhead," I greet her softly.

"Oh hey, baby. How was work?" She puts her phone down and smiles at me. I approach the bed and I lay down on top of her.

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