Chapter 12

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A/N: Weeeee!



I woke up with the weight of Lizzie in my arms this morning. Luckily we don't have much to do today so I just lay in bed staring at the ceiling rubbing her back. I get a little tired of counting all the shapes on the ceiling so I turn my head to Lizzie.

She is so relaxed. Her mouth is slightly open with light snores coming out. I never knew she had so many freckles on her face. She has one on each cheekbone almost in the same place. She has a line of them leading up to her eyebrows. I take my hand that is not asleep under her and lightly trace the line with my thumb.

"Mmmmm that tickles," Lizzie giggles a bit with her eyes still closed.

"You have a lot of freckles. I never noticed you had so many on your face," I tell her my observations.

"Yeah they are usually covered up by makeup," she finally opens her eyes and turns in my arms. 

"How did you sleep?" I ask her.

"Really really good," She sighs wiggling out of my arms. She slowly sits up so I take my arm back and try to shake it awake. "Is your arm asleep?" she stares at me making weird movements with my arms.

"Yes. I didn't want to wake you up. You looked too peaceful." I compliment her. My arm finally wakes up so I stand up out of bed and stretch out a bit. 

"Well, you are very comfortable so that is probably why," she tells me as she stands up to do the same. I go and start brushing my teeth and Lizzie does the same. She must still be tired because as she is brushing her teeth she leans her body on my arm and closes her eyes again.

"Are you still tired? You can go back to sleep for a bit longer if you would like?" I ask her after I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth. She nods back at me doing the same. After she finishes she goes back to bed and falls asleep instantly. I decide to let her sleep peacefully and go to my PC. I doordash us some breakfast or more-so brunch. Once I put the order in and see it is waiting to be picked up I get busy on my PC. 

After a bit, I hear a light knock on the door and I look through the peephole. I wait for the dude to leave because I ain't trying to talk to anyone right now. I open the door and pick up our food. I go and put the food on the counter waiting for Lizzie to wake up so we can eat together. I get back on my PC and keep playing my games.

Lizzie wakes up about an hour later and comes to my chair. She leans over on my chair and put her chin on my shoulder. "I am hungry," she whispers into my ear. I get the chills in response. 

I exit my game and get up from my chair. "Well, luckily I ordered food. Here we can have brunch and then go on our tour," I unwrap the food finally and give her the toast and I take out my egg mix and we start eating instantly. There was a comfortable silence between us when we were eating. Once we were done I threw away our trash and went into the bedroom to get ready for our day. It is a bit colder today so I throw on some longer leggings with a long sleeve sweatshirt. After changing Lizzie comes in to do the same as me. She puts on about the same thing. Although instead of a long sleeve shirt, it is a white t-shirt. 

"You are going to be a little cold do you have a sweatshirt?" I ask.

She shakes her head, "I only have my big coat. I thought that would be enough," she shows me what she brought.

"Here you can borrow one of my sweatshirts," I take out one of my comfiest sweatshirts and give it to her. She puts it on quickly and looks at me. It is a bit big on her so she takes the sleeves and covers her hands with them. "You look cute," I giggle at the innocent look she is giving me. "Are you ready?" she nods back.

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