Chapter 6

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Oh my god. Elizabeth fucking Olsen. She is sitting right in front of me. Holy shit. What is life?!?!?!

"Hi" I respond not knowing what to say.

"Um so...." She leads with. "You think you have ever been closer to a celebrity now?" She teases me. 

"Woah wait Woah," I respond still in shock. I stand up from the bench we sat at taking a moment to breathe. "You have been Elizabeth Olsen this whole time?" I ask her.

"Yeah" She breathes out and giggles a bit.

"And you heard me say you were pretty and rant about you?" I go on.

"Yes," She smiles.

"Were you not freaked out? I mean I ranted about people you have met and are friends with!" I wave my hands around like a crazy person. 

"I mean it just means you are a fan that's all," She shrugs.

What is happening? I have been talking about how pretty she is and how much I watch her to her face. I continue walking around now pacing.

"Are you freaked out? I mean it kind of seems like you are freaking out," She says watching me pace around.

"I'm definitely freaked out a little bit but not like bad panic more like um good panic I guess? I mean I'm having a bi panic moment right now. The actress that I have been idolizing is sitting in front of me. Not to mention had sushi with and I wore her sweatshirt," I rant.

"You're bi?" That's what she got from my rant? That I'm bi?

"Uh yes," I say finally sitting down having calmed down.

"Are you okay now or do I need to call someone?" She asks smiling.

"I'm okay it just took me a second," I clear my throat. "Hi" I finally respond.

"Well, I'm glad you are okay. Hi, I am Elizabeth Olsen but you can call me Lizzie," She says taking out her hand for me to shake. 

"Hi I am still Y/N Y/L/N," I giggle a little and shake her hand. She giggles back at my response and smiles staring into my eyes. "Your eyes are very green did you know that?" They are very intimidating. It feels like she is staring into my soul with them.

"So I have been told," she shivers a little so I get up and sit on the same side as her. I wrap my arm around her hoping she warms up a bit. The sun is almost down so we should probably head back anyway. I have one more class in the morning then I have to travel. Not to mention I do not go out this much so I am checking tired.

"Should we head out? The sun will be down by the time we get to the car," I offer. She nods biting her lip. We get up and I take my arm off of her. We start our track down. It didn't take long till we got to the bottom. Kind of lucky because imagine going down that hill in the dark. Once at the bottom, we hopped in her car once again.

"Are you hungry or do you want me to just drop you off at the hotel?" She looks at me after starting the engine. As soon as I go to respond my stomach growls. She looks at my eyes then down to my stomach then back up. "I guess food it is. Where would you like to eat?" She questions.

"Somewhere kind of fast I have class tomorrow so I need a good night's sleep. I also have to travel so.." I don't know if she eats fast food but hopefully, she does cause I cannot sit down at a restaurant right now.

"Okay, do you want to stop by a pasta place or something and we can um maybe just eat in your hotel room?" She asks. 

"Sure then I don't have to go far from dinner to bed," I giggle a little at my own joke. She nods and also giggles a little. She puts the car in reverse and we head to the pasta place she has in mind. We get there quickly and I look at the menu. They have all of the healthy foods LA is known for but settle for what I know. Buttered noodles. I order my food and she orders hers. She puts her card instantly smirking at my sad face. We get our food to go and we go to my hotel once I give her the address. We get there fairly quickly. I mean at least I think we do. The only way I know is that we went through like 2 or 3 songs on the way back. To be completely honest I was practically staring at her the whole time. Except for when she turned to look at me. 

We get out of the car and I lead her to my hotel room. Once inside we go to the little couch area by the balcony and sit down. She hands me her food and gets her own out. We start eating in silence until she decides to break it.

"So you wanna tell me why you were staring at me the whole time I was driving? You know you aren't slick." Wait how did she know? I mean I thought I was being slick...

"Well let me answer a question with a question. Do you wanna tell me why you were staring at my stomach when we were at the coffee shop?" I raise my eyebrow. As soon as I finish my question she turns bright red.

"Well um... you have very nice abs. What so wrong with looking at them?" She plays back. "Your turn."

"You are very pretty as I told you. So I might as well take my chances when I can," I reply calmly. "It might never happen again that I get to stare at such a beautiful woman," I add with a smile.

"Why wouldn't it happen again?" She asks blushing from my comment.

"Well I leave tomorrow so I don't know if I will see you again," I say in a serious but sad tone. "I never thought I would meet you so..."

"Hey you never know," she leads reaching her hand over to my forearm. I look down at it and back up at her. She clears her throat then takes her hand back and looks at her food. It was silent a little bit before she asks "We are friends right so maybe I could come to visit you?"

"You would come to Colorado to visit me?" I raise my eyebrows genuinely surprised.

"Yeah, that's what friends do. Plus I gave you a small tour so maybe you could give me one," She offers.

"I would love to give you a tour," I smile as I take the last bite of my food. She also finishes her food and as she puts the container down she blinks slowly. 

"Now I'm stuffed and tired," she slowly responds.

Should I offer for her to stay here? I mean it would be dangerous to drive being so tired. Well at least she looks tired.

"Do you maybe want to stay here? You know since you are so tired." I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly and look down. Not hearing a response I look up. She is asleep. Hunched over sitting up. Oh my, this girl. I laugh a little at the soft snores coming out of her mouth. I clean up our mess of containers and throw them in the trash. I decide it probably isn't comfortable to sit there so I carefully pick her up bridal style. I place her slowly in the bed and put the covers over her. She slowly spreads out seemingly comfortable.

I quietly get into my pajama in the bathroom and grab the extra blanket in the closet. I start making my makeshift bed on the couch when I hear, "Y/n? What are you doing?"

"Oh, I was just gonna sleep on the couch," showing the bed I made.

"Friends can sleep in the same bed get over here," She patted the spot next to her in the queen-sized bed. 

I shrug and head over anyway. I get in bed and turn to face her. "Goodnight," I mumble tired from the day we just had.

"Hmmm goodnight," she says instantly falling asleep.

I then let sleep take over my body.

A/N: I am just going to post these at the same time cause they aren't really that long. The building of the relationship is pretty hard so I am sorry for the short chapters. I swear it gets better! Let me know what needs to change!

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