Chapter 32

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After yesterday I feel a bit better about reorganizing. I felt a little scatterbrained thinking about it because I really didn't know what I was going to do. Now having the desks built and some things ordered from amazon I feel a lot better. Speaking of which they should be here. I slept in because I was very tired somehow from yesterday. It is like 12 pm right now and all I have done is lay in bed. Lizzie went to work earlier and she should be at work until about dinner time unless she gets off early again. I guess I should probably get out of bed now.

I roll out of bed and shiver a bit moving from the warmth of the bed to the freezing cold outside air. Lizzie likes to keep the house a bit too cold for me but hey it is her house I will just suffer it. Anyway, after I get out of bed I go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. After that, I brush my hair and make my way to the front door since the app said that my packages have been delivered. I pick up the boxes from the porch and set them on the counter. Before I get something to eat I of course have to let Luca out.

I open the back door and go outside with him. I let my boy do his business and pick it up after. He continues to sniff around, especially at Lizzie's plants. Luckily she has all the gates around them so Luca can't eat everything cause he would if he could. After a bit of soaking in the sun, I go inside and figure out what the heck I am going to eat. I decide on some leftovers to make some space in the fridge.

I warm up my food and eat quickly. I grab the Amazon box and make my way to the office in progress and start putting up the decorations. I bought some lights and some organization things for the drawers. Not only that but I got some cord organization things that I will use once I get everything for the computers. I actually think I am going to build Lizzie a PC because I hate that she just sits on her laptop. 

I put the lights under both desks so there is a sort of under glow to them which I can control from my phone. I set up the little containers in the drawers and put all of the pens and pencils that she has into the drawers. I also set some of the books she has on the side. It looks pretty nice now all we have to do is get the technology and my office chair. I ordered that way before getting here which is good and I got the fast shipping so hopefully, it will get here quickly. By that I mean now. Well, I guess since I really don't have anything else to do I will just watch some TV until it is time for dinner. 

After what felt like the whole day but in reality, it was like two hours I finally hear the garage open meaning my amazing actress of a girlfriend is home. She opens the door from the garage and smiles as she sees me.

"Hi baby," I bounce on my toes and hurry to help with her bags. I put her things on the hooks and she takes her shoes off.

"Hi love how was your day?" she questions me.

"Boring without you here. I set some things up in the office but that's really it. I didn't know what to do with myself," I shrug my shoulders as we walk into the kitchen with Luca following close to us. She bends down to greet Luca giving him scratches.

"Well luckily it is Friday so you will have me all weekend," she smiles at me standing up and coming closer. She wraps her arms around my neck and I hold onto her waist. I smile as I pull her close for a kiss which she gladly accepts. Her body leans on mine as we melt into it. She licks my bottom lip and I allow her entrance. We separate needing to breathe and all.

"Can we cook dinner together?" I ask her once I open my eyes.

"Sure baby. Let me go shower and everything then we can get started," she pecks my lips quickly and goes up the stairs. I continue watching my show but I get bored so I start a civil war. One of my favorite Avenger movies. I watch for a little bit and get excited as soon as Lizzie's face comes up on the screen. I start squealing in my seat and Lizzie comes into the room. "What are you so excited about bug?" she wonders.

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