Chapter 27

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A/N: I'm sorry for being absent. School is currently kicking my ass :) BTW I did not mean to publish chapter 29 so please ignore that noti if you got it.


After lunch, I went with Lizzie per request because I didn't come to lunch. I have to admit I did feel better after eating I was starting to get a headache from working so it is nice to take a break. Right now I am watching Lizzie in some girlfriend scene where she isn't really fitting in. It's pretty funny to watch and even more amusing to watch Paul act with blue paint all over his face. I'm so used to seeing the red on him. They have been non-stop since lunch so hopefully, they will be done earlier than predicted. I hear the director yell cut and Lizzie comes prancing over to me.

"Do you like it?" she says smiling and looking up at me.

"I do it's pretty funny from what I see," I tell her my opinion.

"We should finish early. Maybe we can go to the grocery store before going home and get some food for tonight?" she suggests. I nod my head back.

"Sure go finish up and we can go to the grocery store," I confirm and I kiss her forehead lightly careful not to mess up her makeup. 

Lizzie bounces back to set and continues filming. The rest of the filming goes by pretty quickly I just sat around watching the well-oiled machine. It is kind of amazing to watch how well everything works together and how people just know where to be and when. After they got finished Lizzie dragged me to costume so she can get dressed into street clothes. She finishes changing and we go to her trailer to grab our things. I pack up my computer into its bag and step out to wait for Lizzie. Thankfully she gets ready pretty fast and grabs my hand on her way out. We make our way to the car quickly. I drive us to the grocery store and we both hop out. 

"So what were you thinking for dinner love?" I ask my beautiful girlfriend by my side.

"Uhhh I don't know. Are you in the mood for anything?" she looks at me.

"What about steak? I saw you have a grill so maybe I'll make that and you can make some sides?" I offer up. She confirms and starts thinking about some sides she can make that go along with the steak. She decides on some mashed potatoes and green beans which I love. "So what do you need here?" I look around for some potatoes. 

"Uh potatoes, and green beans of course. Maybe some butter and cream?" she thinks. I lead us to the potatoes so she grabs some. After we go to the green beans and do the same thing. We wander around the market to grab the remainder of our things and opt to get the steak from a butcher's shop. I grab Lizzie some flowers and we pay for our things. I put all the bags in the trunk while Lizzie gets comfortable in the car. I get into my seat and search for a butcher shop close by. I find one not too far and it has some pretty good reviews. I start driving toward the shop following the directions from my phone. 

"What kind would you like?" I ask Lizzie before going in.

"I don't know whatever is fine," I roll my eyes at her indecisiveness.

"Do you want to come in or wait here?" I ask getting out of the vehicle.

"I'll stay here," she tells me pulling her phone out. I nod and close the door. I go into the butcher shop and ask for their best ribeyes. The dude that is working grabs the meat and weighs it before putting a price on it. I pay and go out to the car putting the food in the trunk as well. I get in the car and go to Lizzie's house.

Once at the house, we both put the food away since it is a little early to eat dinner. We decide to watch New Girl while we wait. I get onto the couch flopping dramatically. Lizzie smiles at me and comes to cuddle up to me. I start the show and look at the screen but I feel Lizzie's eyes on me. I look over at her and I was right.

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