Chapter 16

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Lizzie POV

I woke up this morning cuddled at Y/N's side. Instead of waking her up, I let her sleep and I start breakfast. I decide to make some waffles from the groceries we bought prior to the mountain trip. It is now Friday so I only have 2 and a half days left here in Colorado. I have had a lot of fun so far here with Y/N. Since we have done so much during my visit so far I think today it will be calm. 

I finish making waffles and put them on a plate. I see that Luca is awake so I take him out on my own. He does his business and I pick it up quickly putting it in the trash. We go back up to the apartment and Y/N is still asleep of course. I will let her sleep a little longer before I wake her up.

I play with Luca a bit. We play tug of war and I toss the toy a bit till he gets bored. I guess it is time to wake up Y/N. I walk into the bedroom and she is on her back with light snores coming out. I hop on the bed and straddle her hips. I bend over so I am close to her ear.

"It's time to wake up," I whisper quietly. That doesn't seem to work so I say a bit louder again close to her ear. It once again doesn't work so I switch up my strategy. I start lightly kissing her neck on top of the two hickeys that are healing. Once I thoroughly kiss one side I start the same on the other side. This site doesn't have any marks so I make sure to even it out. As soon as I start sucking I can feel Y/N start to wake up. I continue my task as she wakes up. She sighs a little waking up and brings her hand to the back of my head. 

"This is a nice way to wake up," she says massaging my head. I smirk and finish marking her. I look up and she has a big smile on her face. "Good morning beautiful," her smile gets bigger. She brings her hand from the back of my head to my forehead. She pushes the baby hairs out of my face and I lean a little bit into her hand.

"What time is it?" she asks. I grab my phone and check.

"It is almost 11. I made breakfast and let Luca out," I share and she raises an eyebrow.

"You let him out alone?" I nod back and point to her dog sleeping on his bed.

"We even played for a bit," I confirm.

"Thank you for doing that," she is interrupted by her stomach growling.

"Food time," I sit up and pat her stomach before standing and going to brush my teeth. This has become a routine because I know I will not get any kisses until I do. Y/N comes in shortly and starts brushing her teeth. I finish and turn to wait for her to finish. She looks at me and takes her toothbrush out of her mouth. She quickly steps forward and plants a quick kiss on my cheek. I look in the mirror and see she left a bunch of toothpaste on my cheek. I scrunch my face and wipe it off with a towel. She spits out the toothpaste and smiles innocently at me. 

I roll my eyes and stuff the towel in her face before I leave the bathroom. I hear her laugh and I smile a little. I go to the kitchen and warm up the food a little since it has gotten cold. Y/N comes out and smells the food.

"This smells good," she plates her food and goes to eat on the island. "What do you want to do today?" she looks up at me with food in her mouth. 

I sit down next to her with my food and respond, "I was thinking we could just relax here since we've done a lot since I got here." I take the first bite of my food as she thinks.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" she swallows her food.

"Sure, what do you want to watch?" I keep eating slowly. She has a mischievous smile on her face and I instantly know what she is thinking. "No nothing with me in it," I point my fork at her.

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