Chapter 29

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A/N: I'm sorry for such a long wait. I cannot completely dedicate my time to this but I am trying my best! Let me know if you guys want something to happen or any ideas for the story!


After chilling outside for a bit I got hungry pretty as the ice cream isn't real food. I got out my phone and pulled up doordash so we could decide what to get how dinner. Lizzie went inside before me I was sitting on the hammock still. I think my lovely girlfriend got cold. I look through a couple of food options and then go inside to talk to Lizzie about it.

"Babe, what do you want to eat?" I yell into the house so I can know where she is.

"Babe I'm in the bedroom!" she yells so I run up to the room and see her comfy watching TV. "What did you say?" she asks me.

"What do you want to eat?" I ask her again.

"I don't know. Maybe some sushi or pizza?" she tells me her thoughts.

"Well, you gotta choose," I make her decide.

"Pizza," she says confidently. I switch over to the website instead and begin our order. Lizzie tells me to order whatever so I order some Hawaiian and cheese just in case she doesn't like pineapple on pizza. I put my payment in and tell them to leave it at the door then place my order.

"Okay all ordered," I confirm from my standing position at the doorway.

"Good now come cuddle," she opens the covers up to invite me in. I crawl into the bed and lay my head on her chest while wrapping my arms around her torso. I settle down squeezing her close to me and Lizzie rests her hand on my back giving me light scratches.

"Mmm that feels good," I smile and get the chills. "I love you," I tell her in my relaxed state.

"I love you too baby," she kisses the top of my head. "I'm going to miss you while you are home," I can hear her pout. 

"I know. I'm going to miss you too. Which reminds me..." I pause so I can readjust my head to rest my chin on her stomach. "can I have your address to your home there?" I ask hoping to not raise suspicion. 

"Sure. Why?" she grabs her phone to send me the address.

"What if I want to send you something?" I make up off the top of my head.

"Awe you're sweet," she lays down so we are resting both of our heads on the pillows. 

"And you're beautiful," I smile at her pushing some hair out of her face. She blushes a little bit and doesn't break eye contact. The doorbell breaks up our moment and tells me that our food is here. I sit up and get out of bed to go get the food. "Do you want to eat in here or downstairs?" I turn to look at her in the doorway.

"Here please," she smiles cutely and I nod going down to get the food. I grab it quickly and dart my way up the stairs. I put a towel down on top of the comforter so we don't get oils on the clean sheets. I put the food down and get in bed to start eating. Lizzie resumes New Girl of course and we eat peacefully. 

Turns out Lizzie does actually like pineapple on pizza which surprises me. We eat one and a half pizzas. I guess we will just throw the rest away because no one will be here to eat it. After finishing I quickly grab our trash and throw it in the garbage downstairs. Once I go back upstairs I start undressing to take a shower. I quickly hop in and do my business till cold hands make their way around my stomach making me jump.  

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you jump," I hear my girlfriend google behind me.

"It's okay," I tell her turning around to face her. "I was just about done do you want me to do you?" I ask not thinking about how that sounds. Lizzie raises her eyebrow at me and I tilt my head till I get what she is thinking. "Not like that! I meant like wash your hair and stuff. Get your mind out of the gutter babe," I shake my head hiding my blush. I ignore her laughing at me and grab the shampoo. 

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