Chapter 28

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Today is my last full day in LA with Lizzie. We leave tomorrow early in the morning. Luckily I finished many things I was required to do when I was working yesterday. If all goes to plan I should be able to surprise Lizzie in Atlanta. I got Paul's number from the set so I should be able to text him to get in on the surprise. I think I will only be spending a day or two in Denver which makes me a little sad since I love where I live but I also love Lizzie. Last night's dinner was amazing. I'm glad Lizzie said it first because I don't think I would have the balls to admit it first. Not to mention last night's adult festivities.

Right now I have just been laying in bed thinking about Lizzie and how great everything is. My fingers comb through her hair as I stare at the ceiling. She must have heard me thinking because she starts moving around under me.

"Good morning love," I smile at her. I stop brushing through her hair.

"Morning," she grumbles out snuggling further into my side.

"Babe, do you have work today?" I question since it is already past the time she would leave and I haven't heard any alarms.

"no," she says cutely with her eyes still closed. I let her get the rest she needs and continue my thinking until my phone rings. I go to reach for it but Lizzie doesn't let me move.

"I have to get my phone baby," I try to wiggle out of her grip but it is no use. I just let it ring. "Are you okay?" I asked her wondering why she is being so clingy.

"Yes, I just want to be close to you right now. You are comfy," she says adjusting her position resting her chin on my bare chest, and finally opening her eyes. "I love you," she tells me her lips forming into a tired smile.

"I love you too," I respond running my hand up and down her back. "How did you sleep?" I continue.

"Mmm really good. I was really tired last night," she tells me. 

"Oh yeah?" I quirk my eyebrow at her. She nods slowly going in for a kiss but as always I stop her. 

"You know the rule babe. No kisses till we brush our teeth," I remove my hand from her mouth.

"You don't love me," she pouts at me.

"I do too," I defend myself.

"Then kiss me," she gets up from her position and straddles my hips with the sheet pooling at hers.

"Babe you can't say that when you are literally sitting on my lap naked. It doesn't help m defense," I tell her resting my hands on her hips. She doesn't respond instead she puckers her lips at me. I roll my eyes at her and give her the quickest peck possible. 

"That was not a kiss," she complains.

"Yes, it was!" I tell her like a child.

"No, it wasn't. Kiss me like you mean it," she challenges getting closer to my face. I fight it until she pins me to the bed getting even closer puckering her lips. I finally give in and kiss her like I mean it. She slowly lets go of my wrists so she can hold my head and my hands rub up and down her thighs. The kiss gets a bit heated as Lizzie starts rolling her hips on mine.

"Babe as much as I would like to continue this we need to shower," I break our kiss. 

"Fine," she states getting up from the bed and prancing over to the bathroom. I gawk at my beautiful girlfriend. I get up from the bed and follow her into the bathroom where she is already brushing her teeth. I follow her task and brush my teeth as well. Lizzie finishes before me so she goes ahead and hops in the shower. When I am done I go to join her. I wrap my arms around her slowly so I don't scare her.

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