Chapter 20

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It has been a month since I saw Lizzie and I miss her a lot. I had a lot more time to think about her life and how it might impact me. I came to the conclusion that I don't think it will impact me that much. I have always wanted to be a content creator so I have had these thoughts before. I just have never committed the hours to make it big time. I know it is cheesy to say that it is my dream job to be a content creator but honestly I don't care. Playing games is what I love and I like to think I am pretty funny. I think if I had the time I could do it. 

Well anyway, right now I am currently doing my morning routine to get ready for the airport. Today is the day I get to fly back out to LA and finally see Lizzie in her element. that past month we have been non-stop texting, calling, and facetiming. Mainly text because she has been on set but I don't mind. It is kind of nice that she has a schedule that fits my mindset. That mindset being I need time alone.

After I finish my morning routine and get myself out of my head I get Luca and I's stuff together. I am going to drop him off at my mom's before going to the airport. My mom is very excited to see him. Sometimes I think that she loves him more than me.  I put his leave on and we both head out the door. I lock my front door making sure it is secure before going down to my car. I put both our bags in the back and help him hop up in the back seat. Once he is situated I get in my spot in the driver's seat and we head off to my mom's. 

The drive here was quick. We even had time to stop by Starbucks and get a puppuccino with my coffee. I get out of the car with Luca's treat in my hand and grab his bag in the back before freeing him. He follows me excitedly to the front door. I didn't have to put on his leash because I knew he would follow me. I knock on the door and my mom comes to open the door. Once she sees Luca and me she smiles and pulls me in for a hug. 

"Hi momma," I tell her in the hug.

"Hey baby how are you?" she breaks from the hug to let us in her home.

"I am excited that I finally get to see Lizzie again," I bounce on my toes a bit. "Here is everything he will need and we stopped to get him a treat," I say handing all the stuff over to her. She nods and goes to put it on the kitchen counter. I follow her in and lean down to say my goodbyes to my baby.

"You be good okay? No puppy parties got it?" I point my finger at him and give him a serious look. He just blinks back not knowing what I am saying. I break and smile at his cute face. I hug him one last time and hug my mom as well and head out the door. I get in my car and go to the airport jamming to my music. I got to the airport in no time and parked in the paid lot. I spoiled myself the first time so there is no going back to the free lot.

I grab my bag and head in. I make it through check-in and security just fine. I sit down at my gate and wait for my plane to be called. I situate my headphones on my head and just people-watch. Soon enough my plane is called and our group of people get on. I settle in my seat excitedly and start a random movie on the screen in front of me. 

The plane ride felt slow because I am so excited. I kept checking where our plane was in the air every five minutes because I just wanted to be there already. Once we actually landed I tried to get off as fast as possible but people will be people and they take as long as possible. As soon as I got off I basically ran to baggage claim and got my things. I take out my phone to text Lizzie asking where she is at. As soon as I hit the send button I hear squealing.

"Baby!" I see Lizzie running towards me. A smile spreads across my face and I put my things down. She runs into me jumping into a koala hug. I squeeze her tight and I can feel her smile on my neck.

"Hi love," I mumble into her ear and she squeezes me with her whole body. After a moment of silence just embracing each other she loosens her legs so I let her slide down my body until her feet hit the ground. She keeps her arms around my neck and I hold her hips putting a little space between us. 

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