Chapter 30

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Lizzie POV

Yesterday I finally got to Atlanta. The flight was a little too early for my liking but it is whatever. Y/N basically slept all day and I just caught up with things around my house. I tended to the garden which needed some love. I also ordered some groceries for the house. Other than that I didn't do too much because I really didn't have the energy.

This morning I woke up to our facetime call hung up which made me a little sad but if she's got work nothing I can do about that. At least I got a good morning text. Right now I am laying in bed debating if I want to get up or not. In reality, I don't have a choice. Today is supposed to be the first day on set here. This is when we really get into the show. It is going to suck filming without Y/N here.

I get out of bed slowly and do my morning routine. I don't put too much makeup on and some sweats. I get a quick breakfast and send Y/N a text.

Me: Good morning! I hope you have a good day at work. I miss you and I wish you were here. I love you <3

After I send that I get in my rental car and make my way toward set. The drive was quick and I stopped by my favorite cafe to get some coffee. When I get to set I go to find my trailer and put my things down. I get a text from Y/N when I enter.

Baby: I miss you too my love. I'll be there in no time! Go be the amazing actress I know you are.

I smile at my phone but I'm instantly interrupted because I'm being called to set. I go to hair and makeup quickly. By that, I mean putting a bald cap on me. I feel like I am always wearing a bald cap. When they finish I head to costume to get changed. Once I am finally ready I go to where they need me and we start filming. We are resuming the first episode and finishing the final touches on it. From there we will move up.

After a couple of hours of filming, we get a short break. We are almost to lunch but not quite. I decide to use this time to call my girlfriend. I go to my trailer quickly and take out my phone. I click her contact and put the phone to my ear. It rings once and she answers.

"Hello?" I hear her voice.

"Hi baby, how is your day going?" I ask. I hear that she is in the car.

"Pretty good so far. Not to eventful," she tells me.

"Are you in the car right now?" I ask.

"Uh yea I am," she confirms my suspicions. 

"Why are you in the car? I thought you had work?" I wonder what is happening.

"I do. I am going downtown to get to know the new PT that will be taking over my position when I go to Atlanta," she tells me. "I will be working half days at the office and then the rest of the day I will be with them," she lets me know.

"I guess that makes sense. How is my son?" I miss that dog.

"Your son?" she questions.

"Luca. How is Luca," I clarify.

"Oh, your son. He is good. I know he misses you. I don't know what you did to him while you were here but you definitely made an impact on him," she tells me.

"Well, I love him a lot maybe he felt that or something. Or he just knows I am just right for you," I tease a little.

"I guess he is right then," I can hear her damn smile through the phone.

"Well, I just wanted to check up on you. I have to get back to work. I will see you tonight though right?" I double-check.

"Actually probably not tonight. I am going to dinner with Alexis and then I am going to my moms so I can store some stuff there while I am gone," she tells me her plan. "But tomorrow night for sure. I promise," she says.

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