Chapter 23

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This morning I was woken up with kisses all over my face. Lizzie had to get up to go to set and I wanted to stay at the house. Lizzie does not agree though because we are currently battling to get me out of bed.

"I want you to come with me!" Lizzie whines trying to pull me up out of the bed.

"How about I stay here and you do too?" I propose instead grabbing her by the waist and pulling her back to the bed on top of me. I smile and attack her with kisses.

"You know I can't do that," she says through her giggles.

"What if you take a half day instead?" I say seriously stopping my attack.

"I think I could do that if you come for the half day," she counteroffers with puppy eyes. I cave pretty much instantly. 

"Deal," I give her a passionate kiss and get some normal people's clothes on. We get into the car and quickly drive to her set. I settle myself into the trailer couch and fall back asleep cause there isn't anything else to do plus I am still tired. 

Waking up from my sleep I feel a weight on me so I peek through one eye and see Lizzie happily straddling my hips. She doesn't see that I am awake so I rub her thighs waking up and she looks at me.

"Oh good, you are awake. I am done for the day just like we talked about," she bounces a little and I groan.

"Baby please stop bouncing," I hold her hips still. She smirks and instead rolls her hips."Okay! Let's go," I lift her off of me and grab her hand leading her back to the car. the whole time I am hurrying to the car she is trailing behind giggling. We both get in the car quickly heading home.

"Want to go swimming?" I say as we enter the house from the garage.

"Sure let's go change," she agrees. We both go to the bedroom and I change in the bathroom while Lizzie changes in her room. When I feel ready in my bikini I exit the bathroom to see Lizzie trying to tie her top to her neck.

"Baby, can you help me?" she turns to me frustrated. I nod and tie the strings into a bow. I give the base of her neck a light kiss. She turns to me and wraps her arms around me. "Are you ready?" she smiles at me.

"Yes I am," I mimic her smile and we go to her backyard pool. She gets in slowly by the stairs letting herself sink to her shoulders. I see that she is squinting so I run into the house and grab our sunglasses before joining her. I walk towards her by the edge of the pool offering her the sunglasses. She takes them gratefully slipping them onto her face. She takes mine out of my hand as well and settles them on my nose.

"There now I can actually see you," she laughs and attaches herself to me. She wraps her legs around my waist along with her arms around my neck. I hold the back of her thighs keeping her up. I back her into a pool wall so she doesn't have to put much effort into holding herself up.

"I'm really happy you are here," she says almost lovingly.

"I am too. I like seeing you act and be in your element," I say rubbing my thumbs on her thighs.

"I like having you here. Everything just feels better with you. I just feel better when we are together," she summarizes her feelings. 

"I agree. My life feels like it's less of a routine with you. I really like that you are able to get me out of my shell," I agree with her. I hold on to her lightly to travel around the pool. I walk us around the edges of the pool a couple of times until we get back to our original spot.

"Remember we have dinner with Scar and her fam tonight," Lizzie reminds me.

"Is it a nice restaurant?" I ask her.

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