Chapter 8

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We are currently on our way to the airport singing along to the radio. Lizzie said it was only about a 10-minute drive but seeing the traffic it had turned into a 30-minute drive. This traffic is way worse than in Denver. 

After our drive full of singing we finally got to the terminal and hopped out of the car. I went around the vehicle while Lizzie popped the trunk so I get my back out. Once I am all set I turn to face her watching me. 

"I will see you in a week yeah?" I ask.

"Yep one week then I get the full tour of Denver," I tell her smiling. An awkward silence fell between us. I don't really know how to say goodbye. Do I shake her hand? Do I hug her? Maybe a crisp high-five?

"Is it okay to hug you goodbye?" She breaks me out of my thoughts with her question. I nod back and step towards her. She hugs me around my neck and I reach out to her waist and squeeze her tight. 

"Thank you for showing me around a bit and for the food of course," I talk into her neck.

"Of course, I am kind of glad I ran into you. Literally," she giggles.

"Me too. I will see you later then okay," I pull back from the hug.

"See you later," She responds and makes her way back to the driver's side of her car. I wave goodbye and head to the airport.

I get through TSA just fine and head to the gates. I find it and take a seat while scrolling through my phone. I put my air-pod in and watch some TikTok. I get a notification from messages and see what Lizzie sent me.

Lizzie: Text me when you get home! Just so I know you are safe :)

Me: Will do. You do the same, deal?

Lizzie: Deal.

I put my phone back in my bag and head into the tunnel to the plane. I find my seat and settle down. As soon as I am settled down I start to fall asleep.

"Thanks for showing me around your home," Lizzie says getting closer to me.

"It's no problem. I'm glad you came to hang out with me," I stood there frozen. "So when do you think I will see you again."

"Well that depends," she takes her final step forward now standing directly in front of me.

"On?" I ask.

"On how this goes," Her eyes switch between both of mine.

"On how what go-" I am cut off by her lips on mine. I close my eyes wanting to kiss back.

I jolt awake in the seat cutting off my dream. What just? I mean did she just? No wait did I just? Whatever that will never happen. I check how much time is left on the plane on the screen in front of me. I see that it says 15 minutes so I just sit back in my seat and relax waiting for this ride to be over. 

Soon enough we landed and I got my bags quickly now heading to my car. I throw my bag in the trunk and make my way home. Well, I guess my mom's house. I have to pick up Luca before going home. It's going to be like an hour's drive. The weird thing about DIA is that it is the Denver airport but it isn't even close to the city itself. While at a stop light, I plug my phone in and play Spotify. Soon enough I make it to my mom's house and knock on the door. 

"Hi sweety someone is excited to see you," She invites me in. As soon as I step in the door I am attacked by my dog. 

"Hi, bud, did you have fun at grandma's?" scratch him as he licks my face. "Thank you for taking care of him I appreciate it, mom," I turn to her and give her a hug. 

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