Chapter 26

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Lizzie POV

"Are you having one right now or do you just think you will?" I ask trying to understand the situation.

"Definitely having one," she tells me sliding her back down the wall. She brings her knees up to her head and curls up into a ball. I can hear her breathing picking up.

"Okay, what can I do?" I question her.

"I don't know," she tells me quietly. I go to sit next to her on the ground and rub her back. We sit in silence as she tries to calm herself down looking at her surroundings and feeling her pants. I give her my hand in replacement of her pants and she starts to play with my rings.

"Why did you quit gymnastics?" I start a conversation to get her mind off of what is going on.

"Uh, I don't know. I just wasn't having fun with it anymore," she breathes out.

"What was your favorite event?" I push.

"Floor. It was the best cause you needed power and I had a lot of that," she smiles a little.

"What about your least favorite?" I'm genuinely curious now.

"Bars. Fuck bars. It hurt so much in the mornings too. Like my hands wouldn't even be cold and it would hurt like a bitch," she looks at her hands. "I have had a thought of going to an open gym for like adults to see what I can still do actually," she continues. Her breathing is starting to slow.

"You should do. But only if I'm there so I can watch," I laugh a little.

"Maybe next time you visit. I would probably go before you get there so I don't make a fool of myself," she make eye contact with me. Her eyes are clouded over and it looks like she has been crying. She takes a big breath and starts to stretch her limbs out. She lets go of my hand and stands up. I follow along to make sure she is okay. "Can I have a hug?" she asks with puppy eyes.

"Of course," I bring her in for a hug wrapping my arms around her waist and burying my head into her chest.

"Tighter," she says into my head and I do as told. We stay there for a minute swaying back and forth until she starts to release me.

"You okay?" I push her hair behind her ear.

"Yeah. I don't know where that came from. Thank you for distracting me," she gives me a smile. I nod and brush my thumb under her eyes cleaning up her face.

"I will always be here. Do you want to go home or do you want to stay here?" I ask her.

"Is it okay if we go home?" she offers and I nod my head with hesitation. I grab her hand squeezing it three times and drag her through the crowd of people. She holds onto me tightly. I tell Scar and Kathryn that we are gonna head out and they wiggle their eyebrows at me. I just roll my eyes at them.

We get outside the venue and I call a car that was able to pick us up quickly. We both get in and start the drive home. It was pretty quiet and Y/N has yet to let go of my hand. I do not have a problem with that at all. Once we get home I thank the driver and drag Y/N out of the car. We quickly get in the house and put our shoes by the front door.

"Are you hungry?" I ask my quiet girlfriend.

"Yes," she responds simply. I get out the supplies for dinner when I decide on some buttered noodles. Hopefully, it will help her feel better. I get the water going and Y/N goes to watch TV. She has been strangely quiet since her anxiety attack.

I get our food ready and serve it in some bowls. I bring both servings to the couch where Y/N is laying and set them down on the table. Looks like Y/N fell asleep.

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