Chapter 4

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Oh my god, these classes are so boring. All they tell me is the stuff I learned in school. Nothing is new. We give exercises and make sure no one falls. Whatever I just have to get through this and then I can go explore LA! Oh yeah and sushi of course. I love sushi it's the best food ever. At home, there is a place that is all you can eat, and man my sister and I go hard. It has started to be the initiation of the family. If they can keep up then they are practically accepted into the family.

"And that will be all you guys are dismissed," the presenter told us. I gathered my stuff as quickly as I could to get out of here. Once my stuff was gathered I bolted my way out to the elevator. Luckily this conference is hosted in the hotel so I don't have to go far to get home. Well, home as in where I am sleeping. I got up to my hotel room and decided to change my clothes. Although I know the clothes worn by physical therapists are not very fancy I would feel more comfortable in my regular street wear. I slipped some running shorts and a long sleeve on. It was about 1:30 now so I have time to walk to the sushi place instead of paying for an Uber. I made my way out of the hotel and searched up how far the place we are eating at. I really hope Lizzie doesn't forget my shirt. I need it before I go home. The sushi place isn't too far so I start heading in the direction needed. As I was walking I saw a flower shop. I might as well get some flowers as a thank you for her washing my shirt even though I was the clumsy one. I stepped into the store and got a bouquet of various flowers. I thought they were pretty so I hope she does.

I continued walking and made it just in time to the sushi place and decided to wait out front while I text Lizzie to see where she is at.

Me: Hey I am here. Where are you?

Lizzie: I am almost there! Look up!

Once I saw that text I see the same sunglasses from yesterday walking toward me. "Hey, how is your day going?" I greeted her.

"So far good nothing much. You ready to eat?" She responded I nodded my head and we headed inside. I opened the door for her so she could go first. "Thank you," she smiled at me and went in. She greeted the waitress and told her how many people they needed to sit with. The waitress gathered the menus and we proceeded to the table for us. Once we sat down we automatically looked at the menu and I see there is all you can eat here too!

"Hey, can we do the all-we-can-eat?" I asked her hopefully.

"Yeah, no problem. I'm sure you are hungry from classes," She put her menu down and looked at me.

"Yeah, and I didn't eat breakfast so I am starving. I can really put some sushi down right now," I nodded really excited about this sushi. Once I finished responding the waitress came to take our orders. We told her we were gonna do the all-you-can-eat so she brought us the paper we need to fill out.

"Okay, so what would you like," Lizzie asked with the small pencil in her hand.

"Can I get like 30 of the salmon nigiri?" I questioned.

"Oh wow yeah," She raised her eyebrows and giggled a little but filled out the number anyway. She then filled out her own sushi order and put it on the side of the table for the waitress to pick up. "So you are hungry huh?" She asked. I nodded sheepishly.

"I am and I love sushi so might as well right?" I said.

"So you like sushi noted. Is there anything else I should know about you?" She questioned as she leaned in.

"Well, I am Y/N Y/L/N. I am a physical therapist in Colorado. That's why I am here. I am here for a conference about all that stuff. Uh, I have a dog named Luca he is my son. And uh I like video games." I named a couple of things.

"Oh so that's what you meant by you're visiting," I nodded along.

"What about you? What should I know about you, Lizzie?" I asked her.

"Well uh I am Lizzie um I like cooking I guess. And I like taking long walks um I don't really know," She responded to my question but like also not really. She seemed a little nervous talking about herself wondering what that was about.

"You seem nervous are you okay?" I asked calmly making sure I don't make her more nervous.

Lizzies POV

Do I tell her? Do I trust her?

"Uh yeah I'm okay," I responded not confidently.

"Alright well let me know if something is wrong" she kindly responded.

Maybe I should trust her but what if it freaks her out? What if she goes all fan girl on me? Eh, I'll just wait a bit. To see if I trust her. Once I was done with my thoughts our food came and we instantly started eating. She must have been pretty hungry because her food went down pretty fast. Slowly after I finished mine.

"Let me just get the check and we can get out of here," I told her as I signaled for our waitress. Once she got our check I instantly took it and put my card in.

"No wait let me pay," She told me taking my card out and her card in.

"I am paying because my coffee was put all over you and that is final," I told her sternly. I took her card back out and put mine in. Our waitress took it and ran my card. We gathered our stuff and made our way out.

"By the way did you forget my shirt? Or do you have it?" she asked once we got outside the restaurant.

"Yeah, I have it in my car let's go get it," I responded. We walked to my car and I unlocked it. I grabbed the shirt from the back seat to hand it to her. "Here ya go all clean," I gave it to her with a smile.

"Thank you for doing that. I appreciate it. It is one of my favorite shirts." She took it from my hands. "Oh and here is your sweatshirt thanks for letting me borrow it." She said as she handed the material to me.

"Oh, you keep it it's okay. It seemed like you liked it more than I did anyway." I pushed it back towards her.

"Thank you again I guess," She smiled down looking down at it. Aw, that's cute.

"Well, what is your plan for the rest of the day?" I asked. Hopefully, she is still wanting to explore LA. I could take her to so many places. See if I can trust her enough by then right?

"Was just gonna go around LA and see what I find. I only have today and a little bit of tomorrow before I go home." She said

"Well if you are down, I could maybe take you around LA. I mean I do live here so I know a couple of spots that might be fun," I told her.

"I'm sure you have a busy schedule it's okay," She nervously looked around.

"No it's okay I have an open day," I responded.

"Well if it isn't an inconvenience. Sure I would love that. BUT! I have one condition," She told me looking at me with suspicious eyes.

"What would that be?" I questioned.

"You have to take your sunglasses off at some point during the day. I have yet to see the majority of your face and I would really like to put a full face to the name Lizzie," She said as she took out her hand to make the deal.

After a little debating in my, I agreed. "Deal." I shook her hand. "Well let's get this tour on the road then," I said opening my car door to hop in and drive. She went to the other side and hopped in.

"Alright where to first?"

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