Chapter 9

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I wake up to some shuffling on my phone. I look up and see Lizzie making herself some food. She notices I'm awake and smiles. "Good morning love, did you sleep well." Love? I must still be sleeping. I groan and turn my back closing my eyes again. "Y/N? you should probably get up it is noon over here so that means it's like 1 over there," she tells me the time.

 I sit up and rub my eyes a bit. I look over at her and her smile gets bigger. "You stayed on facetime this whole time?" I ask a little surprised. 

She nods and responds, "Yeah I had to keep my phone charged but that's alright." I stretch a bit and stand up from my bed. I unplug my phone and head to my bathroom. I lay my phone down and take my toothbrush from its charger. I start brushing my teeth. "What are you doing," She hears the suspicious noise. Not able to respond I look over the phone and show her. I point to my actions and she makes an 'oh' noise. I spit out the toothpaste and pick up the phone again. 

"I didn't want you to watch me so I left my phone on the counter," I explain. She gathers her food and sits down at her table looking at me.

"Do you always sleep in this late?" She takes her first bite of food.

"Yes. If I could I would do it every day," I nod looking at her. I go to my kitchen and start making a sandwich.

"We are complete opposites. I wake up early and go to bed early while you wake up late and go to bed late," she keeps eating.

"Late at night is prime time for gaming. And then after gaming, I need to time to recharge," I explain my sleep schedule.

She stands up from her table and cleans the dishes while talking to me. "Well, I can't interrupt prime time right?" She teases me. "Although I bet if I were there I could take you away from those games."

I shake my head "There is no way you could," I challenge her.

She raises her eyebrows back "How about we make a bet then? When I come to visit I bet I would be able to take you off your games. And if I win I get to take you out on another date." She proposes now her full attention on me.

"Fine, I will take that bet. And if I win to get to take you on a roller coaster," I raise my eyebrows and smirk back at her. She instantly loses her confidence.

"But I hate roller coasters," she whines. "How about I have to make you a meal instead," I count offers. 

"Fine. Deal?" I put my hand towards the screen like I am going to have her shake it.

"Deal." She put her hand out and I both motioned for a handshake. "I have to go. I have a meeting soon but we will talk later okay?" She picks up the phone bringing it closer to her face.

"Is it Marvel-related?" I smile at her. She nods and I instantly stand up. "Tell me tell me" I repeat like a little kid. She zips her lips showing she won't tell me anything. "You are no fun," I pout at her.

"Stop making that face" I pout even harder at her. "Stopppp, it's making me want to-you to know what I have to go I will talk to you later," she ends the call. 

I instantly text her wondering what my face makes her want to do.

Me: Makes you want to do what huh?

Lizzie: You will have to find out another day. Now stop texting me I have a meeting!

I put my phone down and finally start eating my food. When I am eating Luca comes up and stretches out before sitting next to me looking at me with puppy eyes. I roll my eyes and give him some of the crust since I don't like that part anyway. Once I am done with my food I put away my dish and go to take Luca out. Luckily I have today off because I woke up pretty late. Although tomorrow I have to go in just like normal and resume my routine. At least it's a short week.

 The rest of the day is calm. I just played games practically. I texted Lizzie for a little bit but got distracted by the games.  Soon enough it was dinner time so I grabbed some boxed mac and cheese. As I am making my food I get a facetime call from Lizzie so I answer.

"Hey, how was your day," she asks as soon as the call connects.

"It was the normal," I shrug and keep making my food.

"What did you do that is the 'normal'" she puts air quotes around normal.

"I just played video games and played with Luca," I shrug a bit.

"Can I see Luca? I have only seen pictures of him." 

"Yeah," I pick up my phone and leave the build noodles. I find him on my bed so I flip the camera around showing him.

"Awe he's so cute," She coos at my dog.

"He pulls more girls than I do. It's honestly unfair. I'm not surprised he pulled you too," I turn the camera back around and resume cooking.

"No, I already have eyes for someone," She tells me.

"Oh yeah? Are we far enough in our friendship that I can know who your crush is?" I wiggle my eyebrow at her.

"Nope, I am keeping it a secret," she zips her lips again like earlier. "What are you making there?" She questions moving her face around to get a better look.

"Some boxed mac and cheese," I show her the pot. "It's one of the three things I know how to make," I inform her.

"What are the other things you know how to make?" She asks.

"Buttered noodles and steak." I finish making my food and bring the pot with me to the table with a fork. I start eating out of the pot.

"Are you just eating out of the pot?" She looks at me with furrowed eyebrows. I nod with food in my mouth. She slaps her hand to her forehead and rolls her eyes.

"This way I have fewer dishes," She rolls her eyes once again. I finish my food and go back to my PC to get back to video games. "Back to games? Haven't you been playing all day?" 

"There are never too many video games," I respond with a smile. I prop my phone up to where it was last night and play my games. After my first game, I look at her and see she is already staring at me. "What?" I laugh a little.

"Like I said last night it is fun too watch you while you are playing. You make some funny faces." She laughs back at me. My jaw drops.

"No I do not. Take that back," I say back at her.

"I will not because it is the truth," She continues to tease me. "Keep playing," She motions her hand like she is shooing me away. I shrug and keep playing. Our conversation goes on like last night. I decide to hop off earlier than last night because I have work tomorrow. I get comfy in bed just like normal and prop my phone up once again. 

"So is this going to be like last night?" I ask her.

"Do you want it to be like last night?" She smiles at me.

"Well yes but warning you now I have to wake up early so I will have to hang up in the morning," I inform her of my schedule. 

"That's if you are awake in before me," She lays down in her bed and looks at me again.

"I'm betting I will be. It's an hour later here remember?" I try to jog her memory.

"I have to wake up at 5 what about you?"

"I have to wake up at 6. It looks like we will wake up around the same time. Hey, if we are going to stay on facetime all night could you wake me up? My alarms don't go off if I am on the call." I let her know.

"Alarms like multiple?" She questions me.

"Yes, I have like 5 set up. My first one is at 4:30 and the last is at 6. They go every 30 mins."

"I can wake you up don't worry," I nod slowly. My eyes start getting heavy but I try my best to keep them open. "Go to sleep love. I will be here when you wake up," She tells me. I nod and mumble a 'goodnight' out to her before falling into a deep sleep.

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