Chapter 24

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A/N: This whole chapter is basically smut so this is your warning!


I walk up the stairs holding Lizzie and looking in front of me. I would hate to trip over something and ruin the mood crushing her on top of it. As I travel up the stairs and kick the bedroom door open closing it with my heel. I plop her on the bed and she instantly lays back. I follow along with her attaching our lips. She starts untucking my shirt from my pants bringing it up over my head. She throws it somewhere in the room and I am left in my bra. 

"Are you sure about this?" I check with her. She looks at me with hooded eyes and nods. "Baby I need words," I tease her a little.

"Yes, I am very sure," she smiles. I pull her to sit up so I can unzip her dress. She turns around and I pull down the zipper with my knuckle following her spine. I see goosebumps raise on her skin and I kiss her shoulder after the dress is fully unzipped. I push it off her shoulder letting the piece of clothing fall to the ground. She turns around to face me and I now see that she has matching underwear and a bra that is black lace. 

"You just going to stare or are you going to do something about it?" she smirks at the way I am drooling over her.

"You are beautiful," I say breathlessly. I push her back to the bed and lay down on top of her. I put my hand underneath her lower back scooting her up the bed so she is more comfortable.

"I'm nervous," she tells me once she is laying her head on the pillow. 

"I got you don't worry. Tell me if you want me to stop," I comfort her. She gives me a short smile and nods. I take my pants off quickly kicking them off to the side. I bring her in for a sensual kiss hoping it will calm her nerves. I travel down to her neck giving each part of her skin as much attention as I can. I reach behind her back and unclasp her bra quickly taking it off. 

"How did you do that so easily?" she asks furrowing her eyebrows. I detach myself from her neck and smile smugly.

"What can I say, babe? I'm a pro," I shrug my shoulders. She slaps me lightly on the shoulder and I roll my eyes continuing my journey. I go down to her chest resuming what I was doing in the shower before I was pulled away. I take her nipple into my mouth swirling my tongue around the middle and Lizzie moans above me. I give the same attention to the other breast before moving down further. I leave a trail of hickeys down her stomach until I reach close to her center.

"Are you okay?" I double-check.

"Yes baby please," she whines pushing my head to go to her core.

I slowly slide her underwear down her legs taking them off. On my way back up I leave kisses along the inside over her leg skipping over where she needs me the most. I give the other leg the same amount of kisses. She wiggles her hips waiting for me. 

"Patience baby," I hold them still. I go back up her body to bring her into I passionate kiss. In the middle of it, I cup her center and she moans into my mouth. I slowly rub up and down her center easily because of how wet she already is. I take my center fingers creating small circles around her clit. She breaks the kiss sighing in pleasure pushing her head back into the pillow. I take this chance to go travel back down to her core opening her legs up further. I settle myself in between them taking in the glorious sight before me. I settle both of my hands on her squirming hips wrapping them around the back of her thighs. I lick her center lightly taking her bundle of nerves in my mouth. I suck softly my tongue playing with it. 

"Y/N" she moans out tightening her grip on my head. I bring one of my hands that was settled on her hip and push one finger to her center. I bring it in and out slowly getting her used to the feeling. "More," she tells me so I add another finger speeding up my movements. I keep my mouth on her clit licking and sucking adding to the pleasure. I curl my fingers and hit the spongey spot inside of her. She lets out an "Oh fuck" arching her back. She grips the sheets with one hand keeping her mouth open. I speed up the movements curling my fingers every time they enter her. 

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