Chapter 36

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The rest of dinner goes by pretty smoothly. Lizzie updates the twins on what is going on in her life besides me and the twins get to know me a little better. When we get our food Lizzie ordered me a simple pasta that was delicious. When we walk back out of the restaurant we are bombarded with paps. I tell Lizzie to wait in the restaurant while I usher the twins to the car waiting for them. After getting them through the moshpit they give me a quick thank you and then they are off. I push my way back through the crowd to Lizzie who is waiting with a worried look. I then wrap my arm around her shoulders and cover her face while we go to our car. Some people try to get me to physically move but I stay strong ignoring them and getting my girlfriend safely to the car. She gets in first and I follow closing the door and locking it. 

"Are you okay?" I question as soon as I can hear.

"Yes thank you," she leans on me and gives me a quick kiss. We ride home with my hand in her lap rubbing her thumb up and down on my knuckle. Lizzie is pretty quiet on the way home I think that the paps spooked her. I let her do her thinking on the way home. When we get to her apartment I take her jacket off and place our shoes at the front door. 

"You want to take a bath babe?" I break our silence. She nods so I go straight to the bathroom and set up her bath making sure the water isn't too hot. "You ready?" I go back out to the living room. Lizzie stands up and walks to the bedroom. She undresses and I help her get into the tub. After she is all set I go to leave the bathroom but Lizzie's voice stops me.

"Can you stay?" she small voice fills the room.

"Yeah, you want me to just sit out here?" I question taking a seat on the toilet seat cover.

"No, get in," she makes room behind her so I can get in. I undress quickly and slide in behind her. She then slides back resting on my front and I wrap my arms around her. "Ahhh this is nice," she relaxes into my body.

"Are you okay? You have been kind of quiet since we left the restaurant," I basically whisper to keep the calm atmosphere. 

"Yeah, they just stress me out," I nod and lean down to kiss her shoulder. "I love you. Thank you for keeping my sisters and I see," she leans her head to the side.

"I love you too baby," I respond. We sit in the tub for a bit longer until the water becomes cold. We dry off and get in our pajamas. I settle into bed while Lizzie grabs a quick snack. She comes back into our room with some fruit and offers me some but I shake my head no. We watch some New Girl until we fall asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning I am woken up by kisses being spread all over my face. I open my eyes and squint from the light coming in from the windows. "Good morning my love," I greet Lizzie. 

"Good morning bug," she pecks my lips quickly. "Did you sleep well?" she asks staring at me with her beautiful green eyes.

"I always sleep well with you," I flirt. She just rolls her eyes in response and gets on top of me straddling my hips. "Do we have any plans today?" I ask rubbing my hands up and down her exposed thighs. 

"Not any important ones. I was thinking we could get some groceries since we didn't do that yesterday. Then maybe just relax here? Yesterday was crazy and tomorrow will feel crazy with you meeting my family," she tells me.

"That sounds good. Let's get up and get ready and we can go get some food," I tap her thighs for her to get up which she does. I go to the bathroom and do my morning routine as Lizzie lays in bed just watching me. "What's that look for?" I question as I come back out of the bathroom.

"Nothing. I just love you a lot," she sits up to give me a kiss. 

"Well, I love you too. Now up," I grab her hands and help her out of the bed. It is her turn to do her morning routine while I check on Luca. He is at Lizzie's home while Kathryn checks up on him and plays with him. I was a little uneasy about it but I guess it is easier to do that than have him at daycare. After I make sure he is okay I go and change for our small outing and Lizzie does the same. Soon enough we are both ready and walking out the door.

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