Chapter 15

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On our drive to the cabin I rented, we stopped by the grocery store so we could have some breakfast. Lizzie decided she was going to cook something when I offered to just get some muffins. She said something about that won't be good enough because we will be exercising blah blah. I didn't really listen because I was staring at said muffins. Anyway, we got our groceries and now we are parked in front of the cabin.

"Let me put the stuff inside. Stay here," I tell her. I slip out of the car and quickly put all of our things inside and double-check the dining area. The workers did exactly what I wanted and even more. There are rose petals everywhere and the area is lit up with candles.

I go back outside and open Lizzie's door. I put my hand out to help her out of the car which she gladly takes. I lead her inside and she gasps when she sees the dining area. "Did you do this?" she asks. I nod back.

"Sort of. I gave the workers an idea but they went above and beyond," I tell her honestly. 

"Thank you, baby," she says releasing my hand and putting her arms around my neck. I automatically put my hands on her waist. She leans in for a kiss which I gladly take. We break apart and I smile at her.

"Why don't we shower and change then we can eat," I suggest. She nods and releases me and we go to the bedroom which is also lit up by candles. This whole place is really romantic. I take a shower first so that I can get the food ready. Once I am out I change and go out to the kitchen. I see the workers left a note saying to just turn the burner on to warm the food up. I do exactly as it says and plate out some servings. I set it out on the table and wait for Lizzie to finish. 

Lizzie steps out of the bedroom with my sweatshirt and sweats on. She comes toward the table I was sitting at and I stand up. "You look adorable in my sweatshirt," I compliment her.

"That's good because I am keeping it," she states firmly. I accept the loss of my sweatshirt and pull her chair out for her. She thanks me and sits down. "This looks really good," she looks at the food in front of her.

"I told them to make something romantic since I don't know much about cooking," I smile across the table at her. I look down at my food and scoop some onto my fork. I take my first bite and moan at the taste. "This is really good," I point my fork at it.

"I can tell," she laughs and takes a bite as well. She nods her head at my statement from earlier and continues to enjoy the food. The meal was pretty much silent as we were both tired from the day and we were enjoying the food. After we were done I did the dishes and left them on the drying rack. Lizzie went into the bedroom and decided to chill out there. I finished cleaning up so I blew out the candles and went into the bedroom. I see that Lizzie is reading a book so I get on the bed with her and lay on top of her. She instantly puts the book down and looks at me.

"Thank you for tonight baby," she smiles and puts her hand on my head. I smile at the nickname and sit up a little closer to her.

"Have I earned that title now?" I raise my eyebrow teasingly.

"After tonight? Definitely," she says confidently. I smile and straddle her hips. I lean down to kiss her passionately. She quickly flips us over so that she is now straddling me instead. She straddles my cheeks rubbing her thumbs side to side. I put my hands on her back and rub up and down loving the feeling of this. She swipes her tongue across my top tip and opens my mouth a little bit more. She explores my mouth with her tongue and I moan in response. I take my hands and put them under her shirt stretching her back with my nails. Lizzie smiles at the feeling. We switch the sides our heads are on taking a breath in between. After a bit, she breaks the kiss and goes down to my neck kissing and sucking. I moan and squeeze her towards me. 

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