Chapter 10

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The rest of the week went by fairly quickly. It consisted of work and coming home to make or get whatever food I felt like and face-timing Lizzie. We didn't always fall asleep on the call but a lot of the nights we did. She would always fall asleep first and then I would wake up to her making her breakfast or driving. Sometimes she would hang up earlier before I woke up because she couldn't spoil her project. 

Right now it is Sunday night, one day before Lizzie gets here. I haven't thought of everything we are going to do when she gets here but I guess we will see where the week takes us. She will be here from Monday to the following Monday. A whole week. She will be getting here tomorrow night after I get after work. During our calls, she reminds me each time that she will win the bet we made and that she already has a great date idea planned. I don't know how she has a date planned in a state she doesn't live in.

We have established over our calls that she will stay at my apartment and I will take the small couch in my living room. I could always pull out the air mattress as well but she will be taking my bed. I will still have work during her stay but I know I can work from home at least two of the day because it only consists of ministrative work. I will be able to get that work done within the first half of the day as long as I wake up in time. Although with her here she will wake me up. At least I hope so.

After thinking pretty hard about the following week I say goodnight to Lizzie because of course she is on a call with me. She is asleep but it feels impolite to not say it. Once I tell her I slowly fall asleep with a smile on my face excited for her to come to visit.

*Next day*

I groan as I wake up and look over at my phone. Lizzie is dancing a little as she is making her breakfast. Hearing me,"  wake up she looks over at her phone. 

"Goooood morninggg," she sings out. I give her a little head nod back not ready to talk quite yet. I tap my phone to see it says 6 am. I guess it is time to get ready for work. I get up and do my normal morning routine of brushing my teeth and putting some mascara on in my bed of course. After I finally greet Lizzie.

"Morning. Are you ready for your flight?" I ask knowing she is. She packed last night while on facetime with me. She had no clue what the weather would be like so I told her to pack warm. It is currently November so we might get the chance to go snowboarding. That is if I am able to convince her to.

"Yep, I am already. My flight is at 4 my time so I should get there around 7 your time. You are still able to pick me up right?" She questions.

"Yes, I will get off work and head straight to the airport," I nod in confirmation.

"What car should I look out for when I get there?" she now had her full attention on me.

"A blue 4runner," I show her my keys and she nods back. I tell her I have to head to work and we say our goodbyes. We hang up the phone and make our way out to my car. As soon as I get in I start playing some country music off my playlist and head to work. When I get there head up to the 4th floor and take in the amazing view from our department and set my things down in my office. I head out to the front to greet the rest of the crew.

"Hey Y/N! You seem happy," Alex first greets me. 

I smile a little and respond, "I am happy. I have a friend coming to visit tonight."

"Who is the friend?" He grabs his supplies for his first patient. 

"Just a person I met in LA," I tell him trying to keep Lizzie a secret for now.

"Does this mean this is the only day I will see you this week?" He questions putting his things down.

"No I should be here all week except 2 days," I then gather the things I need for my first patient as well. Luckily it is a young athlete so I should only need a few bands that I will send them home with. After cutting the bands I face Alex again. "Hopefully today goes fast because I really want it to end already and it hasn't even started," He laughs off my comment and calls his first patient. I do the same. 

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