Chapter 2

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I groan and turn over to shut my alarm. I lift up my phone and see what time it is. Ugh, 4 in the morning?!?! I shouldn't have stayed up so late. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and slowly get out of bed. I look over at Luca and he is still dead asleep. Whatever he can sleep.

I stumble my way to my bathroom and start brushing my teeth. I hate morning breath. After brushing my teeth I go back over to my bed and cover up again. I get my makeup out and start making myself look presentable. After I was done with my makeup I got back out of bed and went to my closet to get dressed. I pulled out some leggings and a long sleeve shirt. I slip them on and go to wake up Luca to take him out. I nudge him a little and he slowly starts to wake up.

When he's doing his stretching I go out to the main area and grab his collar. Once I pick it up and do Luca's morning routine of taking him out and bringing him back in I make sure everything in my apartment is good and Luca's to-go bag is ready. He is going to stay with my mom while I am away. I say goodbye to my son and grab my back to head out the door.

I hop in my car and head to DIA. Once I got to the airport I parked in the lot that was closest. Yes, it's expensive but it's too early to walk so far and when I get back I know I will be happy parking there. I grab my bag and head into the airport to check-in. After going through security and making it to my gate from the train I look around to see if Starbucks was around. I saw that there were so headed over for some breakfast. I know I will regret eating later as I get nauseous in the mornings if I eat and to add onto it I am getting onto a plane that will make me motion sick.

Whatever I also know I will get really hungry on the plane.  I get my breakfast and go sit next to my gate. After waiting for a bit my plane was called and I got settled in my seat. I leaned my head against the window slowly letting myself fall asleep once again.

I open my eyes slowly and see that we are descending. I sit up a bit and stretch as much as I can in the small space I have. I wait for everyone to get off the plane and I make my way off. I go to baggage claim and wait for my bag. While I am waiting I order an Uber to my hotel. I see my bag so I pick it up and head to the rideshare area. I get into my waiting Uber and we start heading to my hotel.

After a short ride, we get to my hotel and I hop out of the car. I thank the driver and go into my hotel to check-in. They give me my key and I got the elevator. My room is 508 so I head up to the fifth floor and go to my room. I settle my suitcase on the dresser. I think I should probably find some more coffee before going to my first class. It is about 8 now and my first class is at 9 so I should probably head out now.

I get out of the hotel and start walking in a random direction. I start looking around for any caffeine supplier. I then spot a little coffee shop so I head in that direction. I got into the shop and headed for the front register. I decide on a caramel macchiato so I tell the cashier and wait for my drink to come out. I hop on my phone and text my mom that I got to LA safely and that Luca's stuff was in my apartment at home. "Y/N! Caramel macchiato!" the barista says. As I am staring at my phone waiting for my mom to respond I head to my drink.

Suddenly there was coffee all over my clothes and I make an oof noise. I look up from my covered clothes to see who I ran into. I see a woman who is blonde with some sunglasses on with a shocked face.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going!" I told her grabbing some napkins to hopefully clean up my clothes.

"No, I'm sorry! I totally didn't see you coming. Are you okay?" the blonde asked.

"I'm okay a little hot but other than that I'm good" I responded. She grabbed some napkins to start cleaning up my clothes. Once she started dabbing my stomach she looked up at me again.

"I don't think this will come out we have to get this into a washer ASAP," she said.

"No it's okay I don't have one right now I am just visiting," I explained my situation.

"Well, why don't I give you a sweatshirt and I can take it and wash it," she responded as she stopped dabbing my stomach.

"How would I get it back then?" I asked because what if she steals it ya know? I like this shirt.

"How about this, you give me your number I go wash your shirt and we can meet for some lunch tomorrow to give it back," she thought out loud. That doesn't sound so bad but like she is a complete stranger.

"You are a complete stranger what if you just want to steal my shirt?" I ask her because this is a real concern.

"Well I have to get my sweatshirt back don't I?" she questioned me with her eyebrows raised. Well played stranger. Well played.

"Okay I guess that sounds okay. If you steal my shirt I steal your sweatshirt. That's a fair trade," I said bobbing my head side to side.

"Let me just run out to my car and grab it for you. I will meet you by the bathrooms!" She says as she starts running out to what I am hoping is her car. Hopefully, she isn't running out on me. I walk my way over to the bathroom area. It is a little bit more private over here.

I hear some panting so I turn around and see the woman who I ran into. "Okay phew okay. I got it for you" She says through her panting. I raise my eyebrow and giggle a little to myself seeing how out of breath she is. She hands the sweatshirt over to me so I start to take my shirt off without heading into the bathroom. I mean heck I have a sports bra on anyway. I give her the shirt and I see that she is eyeing me a little bit. I smirk and flex a little bit. I put the sweatshirt on and it smells really nice. Kind of like laundry soap and vanilla. I settle the sweatshirt and give her my phone.

"Here so I can get my shirt back," I tell her because she is giving me a questioning look.

"Oh yeah okay," She shakes her head and starts putting her number in. Once she is done she hands it back and I text her just to make sure she gave me the right number. She takes her phone out as it brings and saves my number.

"Uh I actually need to head back to my hotel I have some classes I need to get to. But text me where we should be tomorrow," I tell her. She nods and I give her a small wave. I go by the pickup area because my coffee is still sitting there. I take it and start to head back to the hotel. Man hopefully these classes go by fast. I can't wait for tomorrow. I can't wait to get my shirt back.

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