Chapter 7

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I slowly wake up in my silent hotel room and look over at the clock. 6 am? I never wake up this early. Well, I'm not going back to sleep any time soon might as well get up and get ready.

I try to sit up but I feel a weight on me. I look down and see blonde hair on my chest. I move the hair and see that it is Lizzie. She is cuddled up against me with her head on my chest and one leg over my legs. I smile a little. I am cuddling Elizabeth Olsen. I would never think this would happen in a billion years. I look down at her. Damn, she's even beautiful sleeping. I start brushing my fingers through her hair to wake her up. 

"Lizzie I need to get up," I whisper down to her.

"No," she mumbles back hugging tighter.

"If you squeeze me any tighter I will pee, I need to go to the bathroom," I tell her trying to wiggle out of her grasp.

"Ugh fineeeeee," she rolls over finally letting me go. I make my way to the bathroom and do my business and make my way back to the room. I see her still sprawled out on the bed. "You know staring is rude," she tells me with her eyes still closed.

"Well I might never get the chance again," I tell her not taking my eyes off of her. She slowly sits up stretching a bit and yawning. 

"I told you. I can come to visit you in Colorado and you can stare all you want," She says tiredly.

"You would let me stare at you all I want?" I hope the answer is yes cause she is so beautiful.

She nods and lays back down. I make my way back to the bed sit down and grab my phone off the charger. I see my mom texted me last night so I open up the message.

Momma: Your dog is enjoying his vacation

I smile at the message and text her back

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I smile at the message and text her back. 

"What are you smiling at over there?" Lizzie crawls over to see what I am looking at. "Who is that?" she asks looking at the picture.

"That is my son I was telling you about. Luca is at my mom's house and is clearly enjoying it," I respond still staring at it. 

"He's really cute I hope to meet him one day," She says. I look down and see that she is resting her chin on my thigh. She looks up to me through those beautiful. "What?" 

"You're like really pretty," I smile cheesily at her.

"Well thank you cheeseball," She rolls over to stand up. Once she is up she heads to the bathroom and closes the door. I put my phone down while she is in there and get my clothes out so I am ready for this last class. Once I pick my clothes I go to head to the bathroom. As soon as i get there Lizzie is heading out and instantly runs into me.

"We have to stop meeting like this," I said staring down at her. She looks up at me and smiles. We stand there for a bit staring at each other. "I need to change," I tell her showing my clothes. She gets broken out of her stare and moves to the side. I walk into the bathroom and change. I walk out of the bathroom and search for Lizzie. I find her sitting on the bed scrolling through her phone. Once she notices I come back she looks up at me.

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