Chapter 33

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Lizzie POV

I have been lying in bed for the past 2 hours and I can hear Y/N yelling at her friends down there which adds to my annoyance. I told her I didn't want to go to bed too late, and she is playing games. It's like 11 o'clock right now. I huff out a breath and throw the cover stomping my way to the office. As soon as I enter the doorway I see her in the middle of a game. This could be fun. I walk up to the back of her chair and peek at what she is doing. I put my arms around her leaning on her back and she jumps a little.

"I told you I wasn't waiting," I tell her into her ear once I remove the headphone.

"I'll be up in like 10 minutes okay?" she says back not even paying attention to me which just fuels my frustration.

"You and I both know that isn't true. C'mon bedtime," I try again but she doesn't budge. I decide to take things into my own hands and go to sit on her lap. I sit straddling her hips while she keeps playing. I sit there for a bit, ensuring she doesn't know what I am up to. After a bit of time, I start leaving light kisses on her neck. I hear her stutter a little which makes me grin. I get a little more aggressive sucking slightly making her uncomfortable. My plan works because the next thing I know I am being picked up under my legs and Y/N is walking to our bedroom.

"You knew what you were doing missy," she tells me in a determined voice as we go up the stairs. I just giggle back because I am getting what I want. Once we are in the bedroom she throws me onto the bed and I look up at her grinning. 

"What are you going to do about it?" I give her a little sass which makes her squint her eyes and smile evilly. 

"I guess you'll have to find out," she instantly brings me into a passionate kiss laying down on top of me with her knee in between my legs applying much-needed pressure. She begins lifting up my shirt and over my head as we separate for a moment. She throws it somewhere in the room and instantly moves her lips from mine and attaches herself to my neck. I run my fingers through her hair gripping tightly. Suddenly both my hands are pinned to the pillow on the sides of my head and I look at her. "Naughty girls don't get to touch," she tells me breathing heavily. 

She releases me from her grasp expecting me to keep my hands where she put them and continues her journey down my body. She leaves kisses all over my breasts before sucking on my nipple. I arch my back in reaction but keep my hands placed on the pillows. She shows my other breast the same attention and then makes her way down to my center. She snaps my underwear against my skin which makes me jump.

"Baby please," I beg squirming in my spot on the bed. This dominant vibe she has going on is extremely hot. She smiles as she puts her thumb on my clit over my underwear going in small circles teasing me. She leaves hickeys all over the inside of my legs as she does this. Eventually, after all the teasing she finally takes my underwear off and with no warning inserts two fingers in me while sucking on my clit. I moan at the pleasure I am receiving and move my hands so they run through her hair as I arch my back even more and close my eyes.

She instantly stops and grabs my arms placing them once again above my head coming face to face with me. My eyes snap open and make contact with hers. "I said bad girls do not get to touch," she breathes into my mouth. All I can do is nod back and keep my hands placed. She goes back to work on my center moving her hand at a fast pace bringing me to my high. 

I take a moment to gather myself closing my eyes and trying to slow my heartbeat down. Y/N comes up to the side of me and runs her fingers across my stomach raising goosebumps on my skin. After a little bit, my heart rate slows down and I open my eyes to see Y/N smiling down at me. "I love you," I breathe out and smile.

"I love you too baby," she turns me on my side so I am her little spoon.

"You can go back to your games now if you want," I wiggle my butt back into her.

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