Chapter 22

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Lizzie is currently on set right now and I am chilling in her trailer. All I have done is scroll on my phone pretty much. I have had a thought about going out for a walk but I don't want to run into the set on accident or something. Maybe I will just go sit out in the grass or something. Yeah, I guess that is what I'm going to do.

I get up from the couch where my butt has been planted for the past couple of hours. I exit the trailer and go sit on the grass that is practically next to it. I sit down enjoying the sun and look around. I see a whole bunch of people walking fast to do whatever job they are assigned to do. I get tired of that very quickly because they all seem so stressed. Instead, I lay down on my back and stare at the sky. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I know I am being nudged by a foot.

"You alive?" I hear before opening my eyes. I look around a bit to find the source of the voice and my eyes basically pop out of my head when I do. It fucking Scarlett Johansson.

"Uh yeah I am," I sit up trying to shake the sleepiness out of me.

"Why are you laying out here?" she asks helping me up.

"I was bored in Lizzie's trailer so I came out here," I tell her. I wipe the grass off of my but before composing myself. "Hi, I'm Y/N," I introduce myself trying to shake her hand.

"I am Scarlett but you can call me Scar," she shakes my hand.

"I feel like I shouldn't ask this but what are you doing here?" I question her.

"I'm doing a Marvel project but that's about all I can tell you. I also came here to see Lizzie," she answers. As soon as she finishes her sentence I feel a weight on my back and arms wrap around my neck.

"Ahh!" I scream a bit trying to catch the person who jumped on me. I hear my girlfriend's giggles in my ear. "Oh hi babe," I turn my head and she comes into view.

"Hi baby," she gives me a quick kiss then looks at Scar who is looking at us with an amused face. "Hey Scar. I was told you were looking for me," she says.

"Yeah, I was going to see if you were at your trailer but then I saw this one in the grass," she points to me.

"She kicked me awake," I pout a little.

"I did not. I was simply seeing if you were alive," she defends herself.

"Why were you in the grass baby?" Lizzie asks sliding off my back. She stands next to me wrapping her arms around my waist and looking up at me. I look back down at her and see she is in her costume so I cover my eyes.

"Because I was bored in your trailer," I tell her.

"Why are you doing that?" she giggles trying to pry my hand from my face.

"Because one I cannot see the costume it will ruin things and two I don't know if I can handle seeing you in it in person," I explain. She finally put enough muscle in to uncover my eyes and trapped both my arms under hers hugging me.

"Well this was entertaining," Scar intervenes and I just sigh in defeat. "Anyway, Lizzie are we still on for dinner? I was thinking maybe tonight or tomorrow night?" she offers.

"We are going to dinner with Kathryn tonight do you want to come?" Lizzie responds.

"Sure then maybe tomorrow we can go with Colin and Rose?" Scar plans out and Lizzie nods.

"You okay with that?" Lizzie squeezes me at the question.

"Sure," I awkwardly shrug still trying to avoid Lizzie's eyes.

"Alright I will meet you guys here in a bit?" Scar asks backing away from the conversation.

"Yep we should be done here soon," Lizzie confirms. Scar walks away and it is just Lizzie and I left. She finally lets go of me and goes in front of me. I am basically required to look at her now.

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