Chapter 3

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Lizzie's POV

After the girl left the coffee shop I was a little shocked. I mean a lot just happened. I spilled my coffee all over her and she just took her shirt off right in front of me. And let me tell you she had abs. Like abs abs. Honestly most guys dream of having those abs. Woah, wait. Am I seriously thinking about a girl right now? Whatever this is a later type of thing.

As I shake my head out of those thoughts I order my coffee again. I need it today. I have a big day at Marvel. We have a big meeting about something I wasn't told about. Once my coffee was done I head out to my car and get ready to drive to headquarters.

The dive was short to headquarters. I find some parking in the front and turn the engine off. Bing! I got a notification from my phone.

Abs Girl: Hey, just let me know what time and everything for tomorrow and I will meet you there! Don't forget my shirt!

Oh yeah, I need to wash that tonight. I smile and start typing my response.

Me: I will not forget the shirt and I will update you tonight on the location and time. Have fun with your classes!

Abs Girl: How did you know I have classes? You didn't follow me, did you?

Me: No lol. I heard you tell me where you were going.

Abs Girl: Oh yeah! I forgot. Well, I better get to it. Talk to you later!

I smile a little to myself. She seems like a doof. After I put my phone back in my bag I get out of the car and head to our meeting room. Once I got to the room I greeted Feige. "What's up Kevin? Why are we here?"

"Well, we have a pitch for you and I think it's something you will really like," he responded to my question. I raised my eyebrows a bit because I thought I would be done with Marvel after the end game. Everyone started to come into the room and settled down.

" Okay so let's get this thing started. Lizzie thank you for joining us. We are really excited about this offer. So we were thinking about starting a Disney+ plus show with your character Wanda Maximoff," he paused and looked at me. I was a little shocked. I haven't done any TV show since I was little. "We were thinking of it being a decade type of thing where each episode is a different decade. We would also be filming these episodes just almost as if we were in that decade. It should be fun." continued on.

This sounds like a good idea. It sounds pretty fun and I would be able to be in like a sitcom type of thing. "So what do you think?" He questioned looking at me.

"I really like the idea! I'm in." I answered back.

"Okay well since you're in we will write up the contract and send it your way!" He responded excitedly. He is such a nerd oh my. After we agreed on some small details we were dismissed. I made my way out of the building and back to my car.

Once I unlocked it I hopped in and started to head to my house. I'm really excited about this new offer! Once I got to my house I took my bag and the coffee shirt out and with me into the house. Once I go inside I immediately threw the shirt into the washer so it is prepared for tomorrow. Once the washer was running I took my phone out of my bag and texted the owner of the shirt.

Me: Hey your shirt is in the washer! I was thinking we could have some sushi for lunch! Let me know what you think

As I was waiting for a reply I started my dinner. As I was cooking I heard the wash go off at the same time as my phone. I'll just throw it in the dryer before responding. Once the shirt was in the washer I went back to the kitchen and picked up my phone.

Abs Girl: Sushi sounds good what time were you thinking?

Me: Maybe 1 or 2? I know you have classes but maybe you could come during your lunch break.

Abs Girl: 2 sounds good. I will actually be done by then so I can explore LA a bit more.

Me: Okay I will meet you there of course with your shirt.

Abs Girl: It's a date.

I felt a little something in my heart seeing the word date. There is no way she is thinking it's a date date right? I mean she doesn't even know my name. Wait! I don't even know her name!

Me: A date huh? I don't even know your name.

Abs Girl: It is Y/N. And I don't know yours either. Care to tell me?

What do I tell her? Do I tell her my real name? What if she is a stalker or something? I'll just tell her my nickname.

Me: I'm Lizzie. Nice to officially meet you.

I got so distracted by texting I didn't even finish dinner. I resume dinner waiting for her to respond. Something about it makes me want to stay on my phone. And you know me I am not one to always be on my phone. After finishing dinner I plated my food and started eating. I was sitting at the table and my phone let me know someone texted.

Y/N (Abs): It is nice to meet you too. Thank you by the way for washing my shirt even though it was my fault.

Me: Don't worry about it. It is the least I could do as my coffee was the one to make the mess.

Y/N (Abs): Well still thank you. I have to go. I will see you tomorrow.

I was a little sad seeing she couldn't continue texting. Well, at least I will get to know more about her tomorrow. Something about her makes me trust her. But I can't be so sure yet. I put my phone down and resumed eating. After I was done I put away my dishes and went back to the dryer. I took out the shirt and folded it near the front door so I don't forget it.

I sprayed a little perfume on it because it seemed like she liked the smell of the sweatshirt so I might as well make this smell good too. After finishing that up I went upstairs to my bedroom and to ready for bed. This included brushing my hair, lotioning up my body, and changing into pj's.

After changing I hopped into bed thinking about the girl I met today. Could I be into her? I mean I never thought I could actually be into a girl but man when she took her shirt off in front of me I could have licked them. Whaaaaa. Woah stop that. You just met her. Well...Maybe? I never counted out girls but I have never met one that I was into. Meh, whatever. I grabbed the book I was reading and read until I fell asleep thinking about this woman I met today.

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