Around the school

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Xiao's Pov:

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Xiao's Pov:

I was peacefully staring out of the window of the library.
"What are you looking at?"
I looked behind me and saw that boy again. He had these braided hair that really felt out of place and a pair of large bright eyes which were focused on me.

"Why are you here?", I said.

"Hmm? This is my school too. Can't I be anywhere I please?", he said.

I decided to ignore him when he suddenly came super close to my face and again asked me "what were you looking at a moment ago?"
The distance between us felt uncomfortable. I stepped back and said "You really don't know when to give up"

"Ehe^ I know right! I want to make you my new friend... but you keep on giving me this cold shoulder..."

"I would rather not make friends with you" I said.
I did not have any particular reasoning for that.
In my last school, I was suspended for getting into a fight with Scaramouche. After that my grades were affected badly and my mother abruptly decided to transfer me into this school.

"Why though?..." the boy said with a sad tone in front of me.

I felt kind of bad for just straight up being so rude. I decided that giving him the cold shoulder would not be the way to get rid of him. Its not like I hated him. He was just a bit too much excited for my liking.

"Fine. I will be friends with you."

"Really!?", he came closer to me with his green and blue eyes sparkling. "So we are friends! Ehe^ Then tell me, what were you looking at a moment ago?"

"Nothing... the birds..."

"Birds? Those birds are cute. I know. But those are Timmi's. Don't ever think of capturing one. He will be super annoying and distur-"

"Why will I capture them?", I said.

"Hmm... that's right. Keeping birds in cage is not good", he replied.

"Let's go to class. You should be friends with Hu Tao, Kazuha, Ganyu and Aether!", he said and dragged me along with him. Normally I wouldn't have allowed anyone to just drag me along but I let him do it. I just had this hunch that if I did not let him, he would be crying like a baby.

As we reached the class Aether gave a weird look at me.
"Hmm? Did Mr.serious decide to finally be friends with our Venti?", he said.
His words kind of annoyed me.

"Don't say that! He is a new student so he was taking his time. He is already starting to open up to me!", Venti said while standing between me and Aether.

"Shall we introduce ourselves to you again?", said Kazuha.
"I remember all your names...", I said.

We talked for sometime. Mostly about me.

"Which school are you from?", Ganyu asked me.
"Sea port harbor school..."
"Huh!? But that's in Liyue! Why are you here in Mondstad?", asked Hu Tao.

I was uncomfortable. I did not want to answer that question to someone I had just met.
Venti seemed to have noticed the discomfort on my face.

"Guys... can we do the questioning later? I really wanna show Xiao all around the school.", He said.

Saying that, he held my hand and once again dragged me out with him.
"You were uncomfortable right?"
"Huh...kind of..."
"Heh? It was written all over your face."
"Quit it already..."
"Ehe^ sorry about that. Hu Tao can be a bit weird at times and she does not think much before speaking. But trust me. She is a really helpful person when it comes to her friends. But I guess you will make better friends with Ganyu and Kazuha. They are quite calm and keep everything to themselves"
"I didn't dislike anyone... I just don't want to answer that question yet..."

Venti did not say anything after that. I did not know where we were going. But I stared at his back as he was pulling me along. "He is... so thin...", I thought. "He has an unusual hairstyle for a boy and such large eyes... a bit taller than me though... makes me a bit uncomfortable"

"Well... i did drag you out with me but I have no idea what to do", He suddenly said with an apologetic look.

"Were you not going to show me around the school?"

"Huh... you wanna? With me?", his eyes seemed to become wider as they looked at me.

"Ya... since we are outside the classroom already..."

"Really!??", he came super close to my face with those blooming eyes of his.

"Umm... would you rather not go...?"

"Of course not!", he said with a grumpy look and continued," It made me happy to know that you wanna go along with me." He smiled at me.


Note: I will say it once again, The pictures do not belong to me! I kinda edit them to my liking. You can get them in pinterest. 🙃

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