Beyond The Horizon

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"A drinking party?"

"Yes. Come on Xiao! We are all adults already. A drinking party celebrating our stepping foot into adulthood would be wonderful!", said Hu Tao brimming with energy
Xiao sideeyed her as he said,"That's not the issue here. Tell me why you are here in my room this late at night to begin with."

"Ahh... I was curious...", Hu Tao paused and gave a smirk and continued, "Did you and Venti do-"

Before she could finish Xiao closed her mouth. "Stop saying weird stuff!"

"But i did not even say it yet!"

"I don't want to hear it!"

"What is this shouting going on in here?", a heavy and bold voice spoke to the two.

"Uncle Zhongli!"

Zhongli came inside the room and stood in front of the two. "Hu Tao. Xiao. I believe that it is way past 11:00. Staying awake is your choice. But make sure to not keep others awake as well. In this manor, every sound echoes in the silence of the night.", he said as he pointed at the open doors of the room.

"Ehehehe- I think i should leave now-" ,Hu Tao said awkwardly and walked out of Xiao's room.

Zhongli went ahead and sat beside Xiao.

"Are things working out fine for you?", he asked Xiao.
"More or less.", Xiao replied.
"I see. Well then, I shall leave now. Its late already "

But just as Zhongli got up to leave Xiao suddenly said,"Can i... ask you something?"

"Hmm? What is it?"

"More than a question... I just want your permission to go through your books in your library", he said.

"Hmm. You do have my permission. Is it about the vision we were talking about? If that's the case then I am afraid that I have no books in that regard except for my grandfather's old diary"

"Oh.. I see", Xiao sounded disappointed. "That is indeed why I was asking for your permission. There must be more to it... more to it than meets the eye"

"Does this topic interest you?", Zhongli asked.

"Not necessarily "


"Rather than interesting... it scares me"

The reply from Xiao was not one Zhongli was expecting to hear. "Scares you?", he questioned.

UNNOTICED 🌖 (Xiao×Venti)||Genshin ImpactWhere stories live. Discover now